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Who said Programming was Easy?

"Garfalox stares at the screen, numbly pressing keys and watches the light bars go up and down on another screen. Sighing deeply, he checks the clock..."Collab with vicunas

by greenj12356
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"The L-Word" by quanticdreams
Kanrik rounded the corner to see Hanso frantically doing the trick of stomping on the trash in a garbage can so you can fit more stuff in it. This was unusual because it was three in the morning and they were in an alleyway. “Oi. Lockpick.” Hanso jerked slightly. It was an improvement over the last time Kanrik had startled him, when he’d jumped a foot straight up in the air. “Huh? Yeah?” “Do I want to know what you’re doing here?” He scoffed. “Take a guess.” Kanrik pinched the bridge of his nose. The Thieves’ Guild was a massive operation, and he couldn’t be everywhere at once. Delegation was a necessary gamble. The Brightvale branch in particular used to be headed up by an old Hissi who called himself Grandfather. He’d had a particular interest in training thieves from childhood. Kanrik, despite himself having been recruited as a boy, was not convinced of the efficacy of this. Sure, it had worked out for him, but he was lucky enough to develop a level head. There was no way to predict how a child’s personality would turn out. Hanso was the nightmare scenario. Fyora help them all, they’d given an impulsive, chatty, lovesick teenage boy an education in how to steal anything that wasn’t nailed down and several things that were. For a minute during the whole Faerieland debacle, Kanrik had wondered if this was his cosmic punishment for allowing Hanso to exist. But against all odds...

Other Stories


The Valentine Cure
"For my entire life of 5 days and 3 hours, I dreamed of becoming a Neopian Times reporter. I longed to write with the fancy, blue quill and to own a White Weewoo Petpet. Today, that dream was..."

by czenko28


The L-Word
"Kanrik rounded the corner to see Hanso frantically doing the trick of stomping on the trash in a garbage can so you can fit more stuff in it. This was unusual because it was..."

by quanticdreams


Top Ten Valentine's Day Wearables (NC & NP)
Is your Neopet a true sweetheart? Do they constantly shower you in love? Are they competing with Cupid for World’s Cutest Cherub?

by littleprincessmaid


Wearing Your (Broken) Heart on Your Sleeve This Year
I’m just going to say it - not all of us enjoy Valentine’s Day. As Neopians, we are far too familiar with heartbreak.

by jackie247


A Dangerous Time of Year
Current wait time at the Healing Springs: 5 hours

by mix_star


Dinner with the Scarlets: Valentiney
New color, same old Paint Brush jokes.

by june_scarlet

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