Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 197,747,911 Issue: 1001 | 9th day of Awakening, Y26
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A Happy Ending?

by lunensis

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The Suffering of a Heartthrob
Umbra found themselves as the new IT person, but people don't understand that not everyone loves the same

by ariane_black


A Loves Sacrifice
What? You really didn't expect an Usukigirl to have high standards?

by rebeccanmn


The Thousand Year Time-Out
"The shadow came closer. It was very round. Squinting in the daylight, she recognised it as a giant Gulper. Goregas. From behind it popped her sister..."

by liouchan


Wearing Your (Broken) Heart on Your Sleeve This Year
I’m just going to say it - not all of us enjoy Valentine’s Day. As Neopians, we are far too familiar with heartbreak.

by jackie247

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