Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,778,219 Issue: 1003 | 8th day of Running, Y26
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword logical_loophole

Week - 998

Christmas With My Rocks
by logical_loophole
Description: Happy Holidays!

Week - 1001

Fancy Meeting You Here
by logical_loophole
Description: Happy Valentine's Day!

Week - 1003

My Snailien and Me
by logical_loophole
Description: "He's just like me..."

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The Plight of Petpets
While our pets are often afforded the royal treatment, spending extended periods of time lounging about the Neolodge or filling themselves to contentment at Kelp or The Golden Dubloon, how often do our Petpets ever get such nice things?

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The Floating Islanders - Brain Tree
A little confidence (and threatening aura) can go a long way!

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Weewoo Surprise
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Darkest Corner: Ah, this issue!
"Hey Luna! I've got new issue of..."Collab with rurirawr

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