Caution: Quills may be sharp Circulation: 197,778,219 Issue: 1003 | 8th day of Running, Y26
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We found the following 15 result(s) for the keyword sir_serene

Week - 290

The Real Defenders of Neopia
by sir_serene
Description: Someone is in trouble!

Week - 295

The King of Meridell
by sir_serene
Description: The Impressive Speech...

Week - 313

The King of Meridell
by sir_serene
Description: Look what I found!

Week - 321

Our Lives...
by sir_serene
Description: Your pet has stepped in a 'Pile of Dung'.

Also by beachnut14

Week - 330

Guide to Finishing a Quest for the Brain Tree
by sir_serene
Description: You can't really expect a tree to start walking across Neopia in search of the answers to its own question, can you? No, I didn't think so. So be a kind citizen and help him out.

Week - 334

The King of Meridell
by sir_serene
Description: Sir, why is Hagan smarter...

Week - 340

The King of Meridell
by sir_serene
Description: What kind of person steals?

Week - 374

The Misadventures of Yaru
by sir_serene
Description: "I seem to recall telling you to clean your room." He could tell by the tone of her voice that she was furious.

Week - 426

The King of Meridell
by sir_serene
Description: What's going on?

Week - 965

The King of Meridell
by sir_serene

Week - 970

Interviewing the Chairmain with Way Too Long a Title
by sir_serene
Description: Celebrating Altador Cup XVII with 17 Questions

Week - 999

In the Wake of Wreckage
by sir_serene
Description: What reason have ye for locking me in the brig?” I shouted through the corroded iron bars. “Can’t ye see that I be innocent?” It should have been painfully obvious to these sailors that I was the victim.

Week - 1001

The King of Meridell - Valentines Day Special
by sir_serene
Description: Don't forget all the lessons...

Week - 1002

When Darkness Calls
by sir_serene
Description: “Great evils exist in this world. A multitudinal amount of them, in fact. Among them are many of the names that have been etched into the timeline of Neopian history..."

Week - 1003

Taming the Beast
by sir_serene
Description: "Extra energy poured into my chest and twisted into a tight ball as I listened to the thunderous roar of the Jade River. Formed from melted snow and ice near the..."

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