For an easier life Circulation: 197,778,219 Issue: 1003 | 8th day of Running, Y26
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More Peas, Please!

by emiemi345

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A Guide to Garden Gnomes
"Hello darlings and thank you for joining me again for Granny Grumbles’ Hoppin’ Hobbies..."

by spukl1


A Petpet goes to the Petpet Lab
"I hope the laboratory transforms you into a Petpet that gives avatar..."Collab with azucena46

by frecuencialatina


The Mysterious Allure of the Rubbish Dump
It's satire, of a sort. Written from the perspective of someone in Neopia and not an actual guide for the site feature

by xxtiger_lemonxx


Dressed to Impress
"They're so trendy and cute!"

by pikcel

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