Chet Flash wuz here Circulation: 197,798,779 Issue: 1005 | 5th day of Eating, Y26
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We found the following 14 result(s) for the keyword chlo26

Week - 598

...::: Yooyus Are Nasty :::...-Clockwork-
by chlo26
Description: You think yooyus are cute? You are mistaken...

Week - 600

Thank You, Little Weewoo!
by chlo26
Description: Already 600 editions of the Neopian Times?! Let's have a break, little Weewoo!

Week - 605

...::: Yooyus Are Nasty :::...-Bonus-
by chlo26
Description: Something is missing... But what?...

Week - 643

Creepy Plumpy
by chlo26
Description: Don't forget to feed your Plumpy... Or he might become REALLY angry...

Week - 840

The Princess and the Crook
by chlo26
Description: What are you doing? 

Week - 841

The Princess and the Crook:Part Two
by chlo26
Description: The second part of my journey ended without any trouble. Hugo’s ship landed on Mystery Island at sunset, and we slept at Jhuidah’s place.

Week - 842

The Princess and the Crook:Part Three
by chlo26
Description: We searched in every room of the ship without finding a single trace of any intruder.

Week - 843

The Princess and the Crook:Part Four
by chlo26
Description: Wait… Whaaaaat? I needed water. I needed to get away from there. My head was spinning and I began sweating profusely. Why? Why? WHY?

Week - 844

The Princess and the Crook:Part Five
by chlo26
Description: I was shaking like a leaf as I took shelter in an alveolus at the bottom of the pyramid.

Week - 845

The Princess and the Crook:Part Six
by chlo26
Description: I woke up in a cosy bed, sunshine rays dancing on my closed eyelids. A cool breeze was caressing my skin and messing with my hair. « Such a peaceful atmosphere… »

Week - 940

What time is it?
by chlo26
Description: It is time for surreal puns!

Week - 976

Another pun? Seariously?
by chlo26
Description: Don't be salty about it.

Week - 1004

The Timeless Tale
by chlo26
Description: "Somewhere in the woods surrounding Altador, Y11..."

Week - 1005

The Timeless Tale
by chlo26
Description: "That morning, unlike any other, Rhea awoke punctually, his spirits soaring. After years of monotony, he finally had something to look forward to..."

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They'll Never Know
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You walk through Neopia Central when you come across a place that is very familiar, yet distinctive at the same time. Collab with _luaxinha_

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The Floating Islanders - Reversal
Drew a dark reversed version of Neopia haha. Just a glimpse into my dark reality

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Haunted Jellyland Woods
Twumbo the Pirate Xweetok smiled as he walked into the entrance Faerieland. Knowing that April Fool’s Day was coming up, he wanted to figure out the perfect prank and after learning..."

by snowwhite6210

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