Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,798,779 Issue: 1005 | 5th day of Eating, Y26
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Continued Series

A Hero's Journey: Squire

"Cathton stared at the medallion in his hands, which showed the letter 'W' over a diamond bisected by a sword. It was heavy, but not as heavy as the..."

by precious_katuch14
Salem of the Sway

"I was thankful for my speed as I crouched and ran on all fours through the maze of corridors that lay before me, but it was only just quick enough. At every corner I could hear..."

by skittleskit09
The Timeless Tale

"That morning, unlike any other, Rhea awoke punctually, his spirits soaring. After years of monotony, he finally had something to look forward to..."

by chlo26
Taming the Beast

The sound of my heart thumping in my chest would have been deafening if it weren’t being drowned out by the roar of the..."

by sir_serene
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"A Strange Day in Magmaqua" by tatyanne
The sizzling sounds from the bonfire were a rather comforting noise to Rufus. He stretched out his hands and felt the heat radiating from the fire. A Magma Magtile floated by, carried by a gentle stream. Apart from the fire, it was pitch black this far down in the depths of the sea. There was a cold current passing by Magmaqua, and the cool temperatures were not sitting well with the Magma Scorchio. Rufus shivered. No matter how close he got to the flames, he could still feel an uncomfortable chill deep within his bones. With a disgruntled sigh, Rufus took a large step forward. He heaved a sigh of relief and relaxed. This spot was much better. Never mind that the spot in question was right within the flames. Rufus reached out and felt about for his little pile of marshmallows. A squeal of delight escaped his lips as his fingers brushed against a soft, pillowy marshmallow. Gently cupping his prized possession in his fiery palms, Rufus brought his hands close to his face. The confection was melting into a gooey treat. The Scorchio’s mouth watered. He would wait five seconds more, to be sure that the outside of the marshmallow was perfectly crispy with a slight char, but without being burnt. A lick, a bite, a chomp — Rufus devoured it with gleeful satisfaction. The flavours and textures exploded in his mouth. The marshmallows had...

Other Stories


Through the Snowy Woods
"It began with a Brain Quest and a Snowflake..."

by sleepiestkitty


"The absolute last thing you want to happen when you’re enjoying the free networking at the Grundo’s Cafe is for a stranger to come up to you, so of course that..."

by quanticdreams


You walk through Neopia Central when you come across a place that is very familiar, yet distinctive at the same time. Collab with _luaxinha_

by dinha_reeves


Land Swap Game
“They rolled a natural one.”

by parody_ham


Dark Magics - Two Sides
I think that's enough "what if"s.

by shellshocks


Proxi's Problems - Medusa Method
"Oh, it's a funnt story..."

by meggyness

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