White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,798,779 Issue: 1005 | 5th day of Eating, Y26
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Short Stories

Haunted Jellyland Woods

Twumbo the Pirate Xweetok smiled as he walked into the entrance Faerieland. Knowing that April Fool’s Day was coming up, he wanted to figure out the perfect prank and after learning..."

by snowwhite6210
The Unwelcome Fusion of Two Quaint Lands

"One morning, a family of Neopets woke up in their quaint Brightvale home to an unnerving surprise. Walda the Baby Kacheek had wolfed down chocolate ice cream for breakfast per the usual, and she was about to..."

by _brainchild_
A Faerie Friendly Wager

"At that moment, up in the comforts of the luxurious skybox, the Faerie Queen floated over to the Snow Faerie..."

by black_skull725
Through the Snowy Woods

"It began with a Brain Quest and a Snowflake..."

by sleepiestkitty
Sky Pirates: Clouded Deception

"...And within them icy caverns lies a terrible beast made entirely of ice. An ice worm twice as long as our largest air vessels, blasting ice shards at any fool who dares to enter..."

by greencheese79

"The absolute last thing you want to happen when you’re enjoying the free networking at the Grundo’s Cafe is for a stranger to come up to you, so of course that..."

by quanticdreams
A Detective's Holiday Away

"Detective Greg the Grey Poogle was feeling a bit ho-hum with his daily routine. He would get a..."

by rachu816
A Strange Day in Magmaqua

"The sizzling sounds from the bonfire were a rather comforting noise to Rufus. He stretched out his hands and felt the..."

by tatyanne
Search the Neopian Times


"Haunted Jellyland Woods" by snowwhite6210
Twumbo the Pirate Xweetok smiled as he walked into the entrance Faerieland. Knowing that April Fool’s Day was coming up, he wanted to figure out the perfect prank and after learning the theme was Land Swap, he had an idea to turn Faerieland into Jelly World. He had to figure out how to plan it out though. With him was his beloved Snowbunny named Mumbo and Wumbo the Skritch. ‘How can I distract the Healing Springs Faerie so I can turn her water into jelly?’ Twumbo thought as he passed the Healing Springs noticing how busy she was. ‘Maybe I could put a bunch of Cancelled Stamp Foregrounds around the springs in hopes other Neopets would truly believe that she is not working anymore! Hey, that is a great idea! When she is sleeping, I will pour so many Mega Ice Creamy Jelly Smoothies to make the magic in her water not work! I know she sleeps at night, at least, that is what I have been told. It will also turn all the water in Faerieland to into Mega Ice Creamy Jelly Smoothie! It would be interesting seeing Neopians wake up the next day to see the water a different colour’ the Xweetok smirked as he thought of his idea while looking around Faerieland. ‘Next plan is to turn the ground into jelly. How can I pull that off? Hm…. With the grass, I could use a bunch of...

Other Stories


You walk through Neopia Central when you come across a place that is very familiar, yet distinctive at the same time. Collab with _luaxinha_

by dinha_reeves


Land Swap Game
“They rolled a natural one.”

by parody_ham


A Hero's Journey: Squire
"Cathton stared at the medallion in his hands, which showed the letter 'W' over a diamond bisected by a sword. It was heavy, but not as heavy as the..."

by precious_katuch14


The Timeless Tale
"That morning, unlike any other, Rhea awoke punctually, his spirits soaring. After years of monotony, he finally had something to look forward to..."

by chlo26


Darkest Corner: What if..?
Imposters in Faerieland!~ Collab with rurirawr

by dark_elfa


How did I get here? - Land Swap/April Fools Edition
"Who swapped these lands????" Collab with queenfaeriefiona and riptosrage

by kimpossibleluvr

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