Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 197,854,999 Issue: 1009 | 31st day of Hunting, Y26
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A Simple Request

by virtualgf

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The Benevolence of the Snow Faerie
"Taelia was never fond of attending the Faerie Council, but there was no refusing Fyora. Not only was it considered rude, but it wouldn't be in her favour to end up on the Faerie Queen's bad side."

by zombiefirien


Fyora's Grey Discovery
"Queen Fyora stepped outside of the Neolodge on a cool, cloudy morning. The weather seemed a bit gloomy for this time of year, but she..."

by endisnigh


Faeries Land
"Xenia, a young Wocky witch, swung the end of her broom back and forth as she flew over the Faerieland woods on her way to the castle. Below, a tall tree that was cascading rainbows from its clouds distracted her...Collab with joanna_lewis

by kebicorn


All that's Fyora is not Purple
“It’s not purple. It’s pink...” claimed Fyora once, and whoever is familiar with her Blessing should be familiar with this famous quote.

by water_park1993

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