Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 0 Issue: 1010 | 14th day of Relaxing, Y26
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Wren the White Weewoo Found a Fleaf

by spukl1


Once upon a time, many moons ago in the spooky Haunted Woods, there lived a dazzling Weewoo named Wren. Wren was not an ordinary Weewoo; she was a wise White Weewoo with feathers as bright as the freshly fallen snow on Terror Mountain. Every dawn, as the moon lifted its gentle glow, Wren would spread her white wings and take flight, surveying the land for any Neopets lost in Haunted Woods’ deep mist. Wren was bright and white against the darkness of Haunted Woods and was always a beacon of hope for every lost Neopian. This is why Wren made her home in the Haunted Woods, she wanted to help others, not to mention she loved ghosts and treats too!

     After one particularly sinister night, Wren discovered a tiny, lost Petpetpet blushing bright amongst the gravelly land. It was a Fleaf! The Fleaf was disoriented and confused in the thick fog, she was not sure how she had gotten to the Haunted Woods. Wren cooed at the Fleaf in a friendly manner and swooped down to the little Fleaf.

     “Are you looking for somewhere to get out of the fog? You can join me; I am headed back to my nest just over there” Wren indicated the dark woods. “Jump on my wing and we can hang out all day!”

     The little Fleaf peeped its assent and hobbled onto Wren’s feathery wing. As they flew through the starry sky, the Fleaf viewed the dark woods from above, watching the glowing sunbeams rise and noting how much smaller it all looked from up here.

     Wren loved her homeland and seeing new friends discover its beauty was always a gift. She was glad that the little Fleaf was no longer frightened. As they flew along the misty skies, Wren shared stories of the Neopians who lived there. She told the Fleaf about Edna and her infamous Tower, Arnold and his creepy carnival games and to watch out for the unnerving Chia Clowns! She hooted with delight as the Fleaf peeped with excitement in response to Wren’s stories. They had the best time flying around and spending the day together. They were fast friends and both felt like they had known each other forever!

     Later, as they landed in Wren’s woven nest, she gently removed the Fleaf. It was quite a day full of thrill and she wanted the little Fleaf to relax for a while. She placed some pieces of fur she had collected into a corner to let the Fleaf get comfy. Just as the Fleaf peeped softly indicating its thanks, Wren’s neighbour, Cathy, swooped in. Cathy was a Whoot the color of bark and just the friendliest Petpet around but her dramatic entrance scared the little Fleaf who hurried to hide behind Wren’s shining white wing.

     “Who do we have here” Cathy bellowed boldly, moving towards the Fleaf. Cathy was not one to shy away. The little Fleaf peeped with alarm but Wren was there to comfort her, as she pushed Cathy aside.

     “This is my new Fleaf friend and I think you’re scaring her!” Wren whispered at Cathy, then turned to the Fleaf “Fleaf, this is my friend Cathy, she is kind and won’t eat you or anything, I promise! She is just overly friendly”.

     Cathy laughed “You’re welcome for being overly friendly, remember when you first arrived in the Haunted Woods? You stuck out like a sore thumb and were basically imploring me to be your friend” She joked, “So Wren, it looks like you have finally found a Petpetpet. That is amazing! Congratulations!” Cathy pulled Wren into a tight hug then quickly drew out her Wormeba, “When I found Harold it was absolutely life-changing, he was hanging out with the Esophagor when I met him, he gave me a little hint to help with the quest.” Cathy winked at Harold who jiggled with a laugh. “We go everywhere together and I could not imagine life without him!” Harold wiggled delightedly and beeped at the little Fleaf, trying to make a new friend.

     Wren looked sheepishly at the barren ground of her nest “Well, maybe… but uh… I have not asked her if she wants to be attached to me, or just stay for a little while.” At that the little Fleaf beeped with delight, flapping with enthusiasm and moved to face Wren.

     Cathy laughed “Well it certainly seems like she is here to stay! I always say Haunted Woods has the best Neopians”. The Fleaf nodded rapidly, beeping non-stop.

     Wren scooped up the Fleaf and spoke directly to her, “Little Fleaf, it was such a wonderful day flying around with you! We could be best friends and live here together, taking care of all the Neopians who visit the Haunted Woods and helping them find their way out of the spooky fog! I would be honoured to be attached to you for life! What do you think?!” The Fleaf purred and jumped onto Wren. “I guess that is a yes” Wren giggled. “Cathy, could you do the honours of leading our attachment ceremony?! I will call her Hope.” Hope, the Fleaf, peeped with approval, her green skin glowing ever brighter.

     Cathy was delighted to be included for such a special day, she fluffed up her brown feathers and spoke loudly for all of Haunted Woods to hear, “It is my honour with all the dignity bestowed upon me in the Haunted Woods, to signify that Hope the Fleaf, and Wren the White Weewoo are bound to be the best of friends until the end of time! Wren, please give your new best friend a Water Droplet,” Wren did, “and Hope, please give Wren a speck of dust.” The Fleaf picked the best speck of dust she could find and passed it gently to Wren. “This completes the ceremony!”

     With that, Wren the White Weewoo and Hope the Fleaf were bound to be Petpet and Petpetpet forever. They celebrated with Harold the Wormeba and Cathy the Whoot, as other neighbours came to visit, meet little Hope and welcome her into their spooky community, bringing marshmallows and cheese a-plenty. All the Petpetpets introduced themselves and vowed to make a Haunted Habitarium. Hope was so thankful she got lost in the fog that morning because now she had a community and a family. Wren the White Weewoo was proud and excited to finally find a best friend in the little Fleaf.

     Hope the Fleaf was no longer scared of the Haunted Woods’ fog because she knew her best friend would guide her to safety. Wren was delighted to have a companion to join her on all of her adventures. Wren introduced Hope to the Brain Tree and they spun the Wheel of Misfortune (one too many times, both coming down with the NeoPox), and followed Gilly down the road to Neovia. Only one Chia Clown has surprised them on their path so far, but there are so many ghostly moons to come in the future, which may scare them with delight. Wren the White Weewoo shared all of the Haunted Woods traditions with Hope, and they laughed the whole time.

     That is the story of how Wren the White Weewoo found a Fleaf.

     The End.

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