teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 0 Issue: 1011 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y26
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We found the following 11 result(s) for the keyword surging

Week - 981

Top Ten Grey Clothes That Are Not Drab!
by surging
Description: "With Grey Day fast approaching pets all over Neopia are looking to try on new styles to be in on the latest fashion trend."

Week - 982

Secret Origins of the Factory
by surging
Description: "Many have heard of the fabled Grundo known as 'The Grundo Thief' – as if he does not have a name..."

Week - 984

Fyora, Queen of… Rubbish?
by surging
Description: "Meri Acres Farm is a quaint little farm on the outskirts of Meridell. Many travellers and natives frequent this spot in Neopia for its charming aspects."

Week - 989

Beyond the Hole
by surging
Description: "Fora was a quiet little Symol who lived in a quiet hole in a quiet part of Meridell. There were many Symols who lived deep within the hole, in an expansive city of its own..."

Week - 991

Finding Community in Chocolate
by surging
Description: "Niluw straightened her shirt out in the mirror. She adjusted her crown. She pushed down her pants. She fidgeted with her ears..."

Week - 994

One Night A Year
by surging
Description: Have you ever stepped foot into the Haunted Woods on Halloween on a night the moon is full and red?

Week - 996

How Well Do YOU Know Your Neopets BFF?
by surging
Description: Happy birthday, Neopets! As Neopia enters another year we (Melanie aka surging and Alex aka clorox) will be celebrating our own milestone: 20 years of friendship. Collab with clorox

Week - 998

A Spooky Christmas Lesson
by surging
Description: How do you bring spooky season to joyful season? By spreading spooky joy, of course.

Week - 1004

Seasons Change
by surging
Description: Illusen was walking through the forests of Meridell taking it all in. The cold was becoming a distant memory as new vibrant colours peppered the dreary brown and grey. Collab with clorox

Week - 1007

A Foodie’s Guide to Tyrannia
by clorox
Description: Food is a great way to immerse yourself in other cultures, and what location has as much fascinating cultural history as Tyrannia? Collab with surging

Week - 1011

The Other Side
by surging
Description: There once were two Plushie Poogles, Zalyin and Zulyin. They were twins and when they were young, they spent a lot of time exploring the world around them.

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Faeries Land
Rospa laid on the ground in Faerieland. She’d been hurt in the blast that came when the mysterious diamond she’d found exploded.

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Lisha and the Troubled Tavern
Kayla stood up on a ladder, stocking the shelves in her potion shop when the copper doorbell jingled. Craning her red Zafara neck, she spotted a short, slightly built yellow Aisha, her friend and fellow time traveler, Lisha.

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The Folly of Captain Dread
There were dark grumblings aboard the Revenge. This was not unusual – it took a certain darkness to embrace the brutal brand of piracy her crew prided itself on.

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Stock Helper
If only it were FISH or LUPE instead...

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3 Royals plus 1
Space Faerie good mood? Space Faerie bad mood?

by white_tiger0226

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