Meow Circulation: 0 Issue: 1011 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y26
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Continued Series

A Hero's Journey: Squire

"I’ve always wanted to visit Sir Rohane’s home village, but the next best thing is that you got to see it, see his family, get a sword forged by Reuben the forge master…you have to tell me everything!”

by precious_katuch14
The Timeless Tale

The Skeith's words made Rhea shudder, but he couldn't help but listen. Kera watched the three beings in front of him with greed in his eyes. Rhea realised that he hadn't blinked since their arrival in the dungeons.

by chlo26
Not the Best Family Reunion

“Back to the metaphorical drawing board,” said Leala in a distant tone.

By now, her blasted paw liked to alternate between mind-blistering pain and pure unbridled numbness.

by kayixu

Faeries Land

Rospa laid on the ground in Faerieland. She’d been hurt in the blast that came when the mysterious diamond she’d found exploded.

by kebicorn
The Folly of Captain Dread

There were dark grumblings aboard the Revenge. This was not unusual – it took a certain darkness to embrace the brutal brand of piracy her crew prided itself on.

by sporty2443
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Ten Tastiest Stamp Albums

Hello, everyone! This is Pattie, the Pastel Grarrl with a palate! Gooblah the Grarrl is my idol and I hope to earn a gold trophy at the Gourmet Club someday. I hope you enjoy what I've written for you today. Now, I often see reviews for the delicious variety of foods throughout Neopia. The Kelp restaurant in Maraqua for example is a wonderful, popular place for fine dining in Neopia. Any foodie Neopian worth their salt wouldn't turn down a Honeyed Horn Of Plenty! My hope with this article is to open everyone's eyes to an underappreciated niche in the cuisine scene. For the Grarrls and Skeiths out there, you already know what I'm referring to. That's right: I'm talking about eating stamps! Now I'm sure some of you just went 'what?!' That's totally valid. I understand if the idea makes some of you queasy, my dear readers. Both in your stomachs and in your wallets. Just hear me out! There's a certain satisfaction to knowing you're having a valuable meal, right? I'm sure most of us can agree on that front. Fine connoisseurs of food and collection alike also know that few things are more expensive than rare stamps! I can agree that it's not for everyone, but I strongly believe that everyone deserves to treat themselves and give it a try. This list will be friendly to newcomers and experienced stamp-tasters alike, with options available to fit every kind of budget. If you happen to own an extremely rare stamp and don't want to lose it, consider giving it a small lick just for a taste. Because there is such a wide assortment of stamps to collect, I will be evaluating them by their Album page groups. With that being said, here we go! *Important Disclaimer: Only use responsibly sourced stamps, freshly bought from the Neopian Post Office or shops of other Neopians for stamp tasting. I do not advocate for stealing stamps from a friend's Album at any time! #10: Mystery Island Fun fact, this was one of the first two Albums ever released! You can really feel the history when you see their unique artwork, reflecting the delightful and tropical air of Mystery Island. Try the fresh taste of a Zeenana Stamp or an Assorted Fruits Stamp to see what I mean. It's just like buying Assorted Fruit Blocks at the Chocolate Factory! The Nibbled Cooking Pot Stamp shows that someone's got a taste for stamps at the Neopian Post Office.

Other Stories


Barmy Breakfast
Thuay was probably a bit too excited, all things considered. Today: what should be a day of rest before the next week of work. Tomorrow: The Barmy Breakfast!

by betti666


Kadoatery Chaos
"We’re here, Bagel! I promise you’re going to have a great time.”

by maddie_bangz


Breaking News: Meridell Turns Grey!
The Grey Curse. The mysterious pandemic that has been striking Neopians helpless across the world. You’ve seen the victims. The Grey colour, the miserable expressions, the droopy ears. (If they even have ears.) And now, the curse has infected neither a shopkeeper nor a daily: it’s taken Meridell itself.

by thronewarden


The Money Tree is Not a Dump
It’s the perfect summer day. There is a slight breeze blowing through Neopia Central, you just bought a plethora of new stamps, had a good meal at the Food Shop and are now gazing around to see what else you might do.

by stars4ever33


How the Tables Have Turned
Just one bite...

by kittyko92


Battle Blunders pt3
You want some? Collab with luc187

by kuroneko_kitty

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