Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 0 Issue: 1011 | 28th day of Relaxing, Y26
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Short Stories

Birds of a Feather

”Dad, please don't tell us we're going to move to a different city in the desert", exclaimed Alamar grumpily to the Royal Boy Acara as they traversed the sandy dunes through a desert caravan.

by nick_and_nickette
Lisha and the Troubled Tavern

Kayla stood up on a ladder, stocking the shelves in her potion shop when the copper doorbell jingled. Craning her red Zafara neck, she spotted a short, slightly built yellow Aisha, her friend and fellow time traveler, Lisha.

by parody_ham
Barmy Breakfast

Thuay was probably a bit too excited, all things considered. Today: what should be a day of rest before the next week of work. Tomorrow: The Barmy Breakfast!

by betti666
Kadoatery Chaos

"We’re here, Bagel! I promise you’re going to have a great time.”

by maddie_bangz
The New Lenny Conundrum

For the first time in his life, he felt lost. He was always the one with the answers, but now he didn't know what to do. Who was he if he didn't run Lenny Conundrum?

by ningkov1
Search the Neopian Times


"Kadotery Chaos" by maddie_bangz
"We’re here, Bagel! I promise you’re going to have a great time.” Bagel groaned. He had some choice words for his Neopet but decided to relent and let out a small meow in protest. His Neopet was hustling towards the front door of the Kadoatery, jostling Bagel in his small crate. As soon as they entered the building, Bagel’s ears exploded with the sounds of Kadoatie whining. He looked pleadingly at his Neopet, who was looking around the room for whoever was in charge. Finally, an Elephante stepped into the room through a door in the corner and smiled brightly. “This must be Bagel, welcome! We have his cage all set up for him, it’ll be nice and cosy for his overnight stay.” She gushed, gesturing towards a nearby cage, empty except for a thin blanket and small bowl of water. Bagel meowed again loudly in protest ...

Other Stories


Breaking News: Meridell Turns Grey!
The Grey Curse. The mysterious pandemic that has been striking Neopians helpless across the world. You’ve seen the victims. The Grey colour, the miserable expressions, the droopy ears. (If they even have ears.) And now, the curse has infected neither a shopkeeper nor a daily: it’s taken Meridell itself.

by thronewarden


Why the Snowager Should Be Your New Best Friend
I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking, “thesecondringbearer! If I were to pick a new best friend in Neopia, it wouldn’t be that grumpy old Snowager. It would be Queen Fyora: wise, benevolent, and practically all-knowing.”

by thesecondringbearer


Faeries Land
Rospa laid on the ground in Faerieland. She’d been hurt in the blast that came when the mysterious diamond she’d found exploded.

by kebicorn


Not the Best Family Reunion
“Back to the metaphorical drawing board,” said Leala in a distant tone.

By now, her blasted paw liked to alternate between mind-blistering pain and pure unbridled numbness.

by kayixu


How the Tables Have Turned
Just one bite...

by kittyko92


Flavour Text
Sometimes, the less you know, the better...

by lunensis

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