Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 197,890,897 Issue: 1012 | 12th day of Swimming, Y26
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Week - 1012

by alevno
Description: C'mon, I had a one out of three chance at this!

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The Food Eating Competition
Eli was clicking through TV channels, looking for something new to do. The Yellow Chomby paused as a commercial flashed on his screen.

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A Petpet's Grand Adventure
"I am a brave and strong Symol. I am a brave and strong Symol.”

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The Breadmaster’s Kneads: Cobbler
Have you made your way through the tasty recipes in the book, 4 Billion Pie Recipes, and are now looking for a new type of dessert to lend your baking talents to?

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Steal Baelia's Look with These 10 Items!
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A Hero's Journey: Squire
Though the afternoon was balmy, a terrible chill ran down Cavall’s spine as he looked down from a high hill at the ruins of the Wincott manor.

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