A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 197,890,897 Issue: 1012 | 12th day of Swimming, Y26
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Continued Series

A Hero's Journey: Squire

Though the afternoon was balmy, a terrible chill ran down Cavall’s spine as he looked down from a high hill at the ruins of the Wincott manor.

by precious_katuch14
The Timeless Tale

Rhea regained consciousness a few hours later, still coughing. He blinked repeatedly to adjust to the daylight and found himself on a drifting shipwreck, beside Kera.

by chlo26
The Other Side

Zulyin suddenly realised she was running. As she looked around she also realised she had no idea where she was.

by surging
Not the Best Family Reunion

It was a beautiful morning in Faerieland, and Maul was a terrible Ixi.

by kayixu
Faeries Land

The Xenia card hovered above the star field on the floor in Queen Fyora’s throne room, preparing to make her move in the game.

by kebicorn
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"Bernard and The Void" by rachu816
With a sigh, Bernard shut his worn copy of The Green Grundo Invasion and glanced over to the small clock that he had sitting on his countertop. His eight-minute break from running Booktastic Books was just about up and he hadn’t put out the new books for his awaiting customers yet. The Orange Grundo moseyed out from behind the desk, grabbing a stack of space books as he made his way to one of his storefront tables. Quickly scanning the titles on the books’ spines, he began arranging them into orderly piles, some towering with many copies and some with only a few. He ended up with a single copy of Stuck in Space left in his orange, four-fingered mitts. It was a very popular nonfiction book about stranded-in-space survival tactics, all coming from various true stories. Casually flipping through the pages, Bernard felt a slight pang in his chest as his eyes skimmed over the various stories and he felt as if he could somewhat relate. For, Bernard lived up in space on Kreludor, Neopia’s one-and-only moon. He loved his collection of space books to keep him company, even the book club he founded to help boost his sales, but the day-to-day had become mundane...

Other Stories


The Infestation
Barney the Blue Blumaroo woke up with the sun and looked out his window to see the sailboats bobbing in the Neopian Sea.

by spukl1


Bernard and The Void
With a sigh, Bernard shut his worn copy of The Green Grundo Invasion and glanced over to the small clock that he had sitting on his countertop.

by rachu816


An Undercover Adventure Inside Shoyrux Enterprises
Greetings, Neopians, and welcome to another edition of the Neopian Times. Your favourite correspondent, Ned Featherquill, recently embarked on a covert mission...

by cuchatenador


Fun Things To Do Around Mystery Island
In the midst of a harrowing plot, I think everyone in Neopia needs something fun to do right now, right?

by mnc2


Ashkary's Café - Mail Fraud Pt. 4
Things are looking pretty grim, people.

by saintsalmon


A Dire Warning
"Do not go to..."

by kittyko92

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