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Steal Baelia's Look with These 10 Items!

by oi_tio_to_na_globo


Baelia stands out as Neopia's only Grey Faerie, making her exceptionally special, and she is equally celebrated for her distinctive and endearing appearance. With silver-grey hair that dances in the Faerieland breeze, she captivates everyone with her presence. Her eyes sparkle with softness and understanding. Despite her ethereal beauty, there's an approachability about her that draws Neopians near, eager to get to know more about her–or be like her!

     You must have noticed the sudden increase of grey creatures around Neopia. Not even King Skarl himself could escape the grey-fication! As our heroes and experts strive to comprehend how to defeat this mysterious phenomenon and bring colour back to our lands, why don't you learn how to dress the part? And what better way to draw inspiration than from the most iconic grey personality Neopia has ever seen?

     Check out these items that will make you look a little bit more grey... erm, a bit more like Baelia herself!

     UC Grey Mynci CD of Sad Songs


     Faeries across Neopia all agree: Baelia has the best taste in music! While getting ready to look like our beloved Grey Faerie, play this melancholic CD to get yourself in the mood. Baelia's favourite track is number three, 'I wish I could fly way up to the sky', and you're sure to find a song that resonates with you too!

     A Grey Day Background


     Ever feel like your pet needs a touch of gloom? Having a Grey Day will surely make you feel just like Baelia! There will be no bright sun to energize you for daily tasks -- you will be cosy at home, cuddling with your favourite Petpet while listening to the soothing sound of rain tapping against the window. Why not take this opportunity to enjoy some Earl Grey Tea and bake a delicious Grey Cloud Cake to share with your loved ones? It's the perfect way to embrace the grey theme and make some sweet memories together!

     Grey Conditioner


     Baelia's hair isn't just pretty due to Faerie dust, raindrops, and Petpet kisses! She also maintains its beauty with meticulous care, and The Neopian Times discovered firsthand that this conditioner keeps her locks healthy and gives them just the right touch of grey. Regular use promises to leave your hair just as much! Grey or soft, you ask? You will have to use it to find out. Note: The Neopian Times does not take responsibility for any hair that actually turns Grey. Please use the Grey Conditioner at your own discretion..

     Grey Faerie Wig


     In case you do not want to use the Conditioner and turn your own hair Grey, you can opt for a Grey Faerie Wig! It's conveniently styled into Baelia's adorable signature hairstyle, complete with her distinctive antennae. Unlike many other faeries, Baelia's wig is conveniently styled in a ponytail, making it easier to go about your day-to-day errands without hair getting in your face. Talk about convenience! Pair it with enough grey items, and you might just be mistaken for the Grey Faerie herself!

     Grey Faerie Dress


     This dress is simple, yet iconic. If you wear it outside, others will certainly understand where you drew your inspiration from, and suddenly your grey looks will be much more stylish! Although it's not the original dress, the seamstress did a wonderful job imitating the details and capturing the essence of the Grey Faerie.

     Grey Gothic Makeup


     It's not just a phase, Mom! Feeling down doesn't mean you can't look adorable! The Grey Gothic Makeup kit is perfect for enhancing your features with a classic look that complements the muted, grey tones you will be wearing -- and seeing around Neopia. Note: Grey Gothic Makeup is waterproof, so go ahead and shed those tears if you need to while still looking fabulous.

     Grey Faerie Wings


     One of the most iconic features of Baelia's appearance is her unique pair of wings—unlike any others across all of Neopia! While there is only one original pair like hers, talented crafters have managed to recreate them into a nearly identical wearable version. Now, you can enjoy these amazing wings without experiencing the same traumatic events that shaped Baelia's journey!

     Greyed Expectations


     If you want to be Grey, you better set your expectations accordingly! Grey Expectations is a bestseller among Grey pets and creatures alike, and a must read if you want to see the world through Grey-coloured glasses. Your appearance can also be a reflection of your mindset, and understanding the Grey lifestyle is essential to fully embody it.

     Grey Faerie Shield


     Now, this list is all about achieving Baelia's iconic look, right? We know! But have you ever seen a more iconic shield? Not only can you sport your newly-acquired style while battling, but you can also show your opponents that they can't intimidate you—or even make you feel much at all! They might even feel bad for fighting a Grey creature and leave you alone!

     Blank Grey Tome


     As it is widely known, Grey creatures like Baelia feel emotions deeply. Recently, we discovered Baelia has a diary—an unexpected revelation! Writing can be a powerful way to connect with your inner self, and a Blank Grey Tome is the perfect companion for your journey towards embracing your Grey essence. Plus, it looks stunning as you carry this aged tome, as though it holds ancient secrets waiting to be uncovered.

     To be like Baelia is to be connected with your thoughts and have a deep understanding of who you are! Although many creatures are turning Grey all around Neopia lately, don’t forget Baelia’s life story and how she has had support and was able to overcome many challenges in her life, despite not having her powers. Neopians can do the same while Grey-fied!

     And there you have it—our top 10 Baelia-inspired items to steal her look. With these pieces, you'll be channeling her Grey and unique style in no time! Don’t forget to stay kind and graceful, just like our dear Grey Faerie.


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