Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 197,890,897 Issue: 1012 | 12th day of Swimming, Y26
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The Breadmaster’s Kneads: Cobbler
Have you made your way through the tasty recipes in the book, 4 Billion Pie Recipes, and are now looking for a new type of dessert to lend your baking talents to?

by mango_


The Infestation
Barney the Blue Blumaroo woke up with the sun and looked out his window to see the sailboats bobbing in the Neopian Sea.

by spukl1


Dinner with the Scarlets: Call to Action
We're going to need a bigger Dinner table...

by june_scarlet


Neopets' Best Puzzles: Revisiting 25 Years of Plots
With the recent conclusion of the Puzzle Hunter Club’s avatar hunt, Neopians have scratched a long awaited itch to combine forces and collaborate in solving site-wide problems. Collab with sebaspet717 and kikepv

by rascle90

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