Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 197,890,897 Issue: 1012 | 12th day of Swimming, Y26
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Hi TNT! Thanks for all the fun site events this year. I noticed today that there is no rainbow emoticon for the Neoboards. Do you think one can be added in time for pride month? ♥ ~horsefaith6725
She’s coming in a little last minute… a few years late… but we can now celebrate properly on the Neoboards now! *rainbow* Enjoy your world of colourful goodness! :3 (& for all of the other incoming Neoboard emoticon requests… I’m looking at YOU, reading this! Don’t do it… we will try to add more emoticons when we can, I assure you! ♥) ~~Fae

Hi there TNT! Bloat B Gone's price has skyrocket, is there a possibility for you to add Bloat B Gone to QuestLog daily rewards? Thank you ~ kingambit
Bloat B Gone is now in the Quest Log daily rewards! We’ll have this be permanently part of the pool. ~~Sunpotato

Hi, I was wondering when the next site update is planned. Do you plan to convert more pages and implement some quality of life updates for daily play? I really enjoy the events, but I’d like to see some love given to the regular site too! Thanks ~ meredith_eldridge
Happy to share we just did one on July 8th! We converted the Battledome pages on desktop ♥ We try to convert things as much as we can as we work on other initiatives. Just last month we converted the Neopian Hospital, Giant Omelette and Coltzan’s Shrine! We’ll continue to work on this as we go. Thanks for writing in! ~~Sunpotato

Hello TNT! slides plate of cookies You know what would be really great for the next quest log rotation prizes? If you could please fix the Void Within trophies to show the actual user's points instead of your own when viewing someone else's lookup, also Pooka and Peedleedoo please! ~ myncithemonkey
Oh dear, the Meepits appear to have gotten a little excited with the plot! Should be fixed now! ~~Sunpotato

Hi TNT! I've been searching for the Purple Warlock Battle Wings for my pet customization for a long time, and I recently found them! But unfortunately, the wings aren't converted to HTML and don't show up on my petlookup. Could you please fix them so my pet can be complete? Thanks! ~ neliuky
Hello! We have made the proper changes to this item, so there should be no issues with your pet wearing them now! Happy customising! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hey TNT! Thank you for the recent post regarding the expected pacing for the Void Within - it does help set expectations. The day this clarification was posted however, a new comic panel was released, followed by a cutoff for the first week accomplishments the next next morning - meaning that players had just around 24 hours to log in, see the updated comic and accomplish that deed. This swift turn around seems in direct opposition to the post claiming Neopians wouldn't need to stress about logging in every day in fear of missing content, since though that's exactly what happened to many players that day/following morning. Can this clarification be perhaps reclarified? ~ midnight_rising
Hello! The recent post talking about pacing was meant for the release of content related to the story. Fearless Deeds is its own separate thing outside of that. Hope this helps! ~~Sunpotato

Hi TNT! Can you please adjust the name of the "Christmas Dogle Fox Plushie" to be "Christmas Doglefox Plushie"? Please respect the doglefox. ♥ ~ oo_luckey_duckey_oo
Hi there! We very much want to continue respecting the Doglefox, so we have made the fix to the plushie! Thanks for bringing it to our attention! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hi TNT! Love y'all. I have just a slight suggestion. The entrance to Neovia has been annoyingly placed behind the Wanderer Camp page to get too, a plot that came out in 2006! Is there anyway to get a quicker path to Neovia without having to navigate to the wandering camp? No offense to those lovely Neopets though!
Hey there, spooky traveler! There actually is another… super scary secret entrance to get to Neovia, without having to travel through the Wanderer Camp. You must complete 3 Brain Tree quests rapidly in 24 seconds, feed the Esophagor his favourite snackies and THEN… just scroll down a bit on the Haunted Woods map page and Neovia is the fifth link in the typed list of links that will take you STRAIGHT to Neovia, hehe. Hopefully that’s faster! ♥ ~~Fae

Thanks for the super cute Face Bandage wearable for all those hospital volunteers! Only, my pet was hoping to wear it with her glasses. Any chance it could be rezoned as earrings like Cute Face Bandage is? ~ anonymous
Hello! There is very much a chance we rezone this item! The Face Bandage and the Cute Face Bandage are now both rezoned to earrings! Happy customising! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hi TNT! *offers Slorg Cupcakes* I LOVE the new Iridescent Faerie Set, but I noticed the wings have an issue. The Iridescent Faerie Wings do not replace the wings that are already present on Faerie-Painted Pets. Would it be possible to fix this so that my faerie pets can have a new beautiful set of iridescent wings? Thank you!! ~ kittyko92
Hello! *devours Slorg Cupcakes* Thank you for bringing this to our attention! We have made the proper fixes and your Faerie-painted pets can now wear these beautiful wings with no issues! Happy customising! ~~Goldfish in Bowl

Hello TNT. Can you please make the Quest Log prize "One-Use Robotification Zappermajig" tradable on Neopets? Currently, it is a no-trade item. Thank you! ~ anonymous
Boop beep, zzzz, booopppp!!! ~~Sunpotato

Hi TNT! I can't put my Nostalgic Grey Meerca into the styling studio from my inventory. Can you please fix this. ~ greyfever
Hey there, this sad little guy can now be put into the Styling Studio from the inventory! Thanks for rescuing him from limbo. :3 ~~Fae

Dear Neopian Staff members who read all our submissions which may reach over 1k or 2k on a weekly basis, thank you for your time. I kindly ask you to reveal some data, concerning a task given to us participants in "The Void Within" plot, for I fear some of us might miss on some plot points, for not taking action in the given time. Specifically, in the Rewards page we got the "Rift Rewarder" challenge that requires us to get 15unique items purchased. Will this step be completed only if we do the purchases during the 1st Act or can we hoard points until Act 3 and still be awarded the achievement of "Rift Rewarder"?
Worry not! You’ll be able to retroactively get rewards if you missed any in past Acts! Once a fearless deed becomes available you’ll be able to earn it anytime. ~~ Sunpotato


Just some happy thoughts: a shout-out to the TNT Support team. As a returning "lapsed" player whose interest grows with each passing day, I've seen some of the comments around. Many of them are unfair; my experiences have been nothing but great! I was able to gain access to my account of 20+ years despite it being tied to an old email, and when I reported a tech issue with The Omelette, it was fixed within a couple of days. I've worked in Support before, so I know what it can be like. We want you to know that y'all are appreciated. :3 ~ appleton5000

Hi TNT! Just wanted to shout out having the Altador Cup at the same time as a plot. I know it must be a lot more work for you guys, but it's super cool to have events happening all over neopia; makes the world seem more 'real' somehow. :D ~ marguerite_st_just

A panel of Tor, a glimpse of Roberta, AND her ladyship the Darkest Faerie in charm form in the reward store? You spoil me! Thank you for bringing my old faves into the new awesomeness! ~ kyndalbrooke

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