Meow Circulation: 197,890,897 Issue: 1013 | 26th day of Swimming, Y26
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We found the following 9 result(s) for the keyword dennykins

Week - 642

All You Need To Know About Flotato
by dennykins
Description: For those of us who are a little confused by the sudden popularity and ubiquitousness of the previously quite unremarkable fruit...

Week - 1002

Claire and the Coaster of Terror
by dennykins
Description: “Sorry kid, you gotta be a centimetre taller to ride the Coaster of Terror. Maybe try the merry-go-round? Lots of little Usuls like it, this ride might be a bit scary for you.”

Week - 1003

The Plight of Petpets
by dennykins
Description: While our pets are often afforded the royal treatment, spending extended periods of time lounging about the Neolodge or filling themselves to contentment at Kelp or The Golden Dubloon, how often do our Petpets ever get such nice things?

Week - 1004

Managing a Move to Meridell
by dennykins
Description: The cool breeze stirred her auburn hair, as she gazed out across the expanse of fields and forest before her. Illusen was waiting.

Week - 1007

A Job at Virtupets
by dennykins
Description: “Your clearance came through, you’re good to go.” Felix had been gazing so intently out the window at the endless abyss of space beyond, that he hadn’t heard the approaching hoofsteps which signaled the return of Janet, his chaperone.

Week - 1008

The Beach, in Five Stages
by dennykins
Description: "Camille watched the waves crash over the golden sands of her home, Mystery Island. She was no longer crying, as she was pretty sure she had cried every tear available to her. She couldn’t..."

Week - 1009

An Audience with the Queen
by dennykins
Description: Sylvie crept through streets and narrow alleyways, darting from nook to nook, carefully avoiding the watchful eyes of any potential witnesses.

Week - 1010

Petpet Customisation - Is it Possible?
by dennykins
Description: Designing unique looks for your pets is one of the primary drawcards of Neopets. The Customisation and NC trading boards are among the most active out there, the Customisation Spotlights are very popular competitions and the NC Mall, primarily used for wearables, has been busier this year than at any time in recent history.

Week - 1013

Brand Designs - Inside the Shops of Neopia
by dennykins
Description: We’ve all been there, sitting in a shop, repeatedly refreshing while waiting for the next stock.

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Who's Afraid?!
Terrifying...! Collab with morphousss

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Something Has Happened! - Uni Mask
It's exhausting being Grey.

by jjensen687


Brand Designs - Inside the Shops of Neopia
We’ve all been there, sitting in a shop, repeatedly refreshing while waiting for the next stock.

by dennykins


The Switchboard Operator
After working the switchboard for nearly 22 years, Liza could do this job in her sleep. The Toy Lupe had replaced the original switchboard operator, Carl, and has been the only operator ever since.

by mama357


Anatomy Class
Between shifts, Nurse Glee teaches some nursing classes to the volunteering Neopians!

by prulletje1852

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