The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 197,890,902 Issue: 1016 | 6th day of Gathering, Y26
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A Qasalan Investigation

by maddie_bangz


”Testing, testing… This is Annabelle, investigative journalist for the Neopian Times, reporting live from Qasala.”

     The sun was beating down intensely onto Annabelle as she held her tape recorder close to her mouth, hidden under her loose sleeve. Despite the heat, she pulled the hood of her cloak lower over her face as she tried to keep a low profile in this quaint desert city. Her unmistakable Blue Aisha ears poked out of the holes on the top of her head, ruining the disguise. Annabelle could only do so much to conceal her identity.

     She leaned out of the alleyway and stared at the building across the street, quietly observing the Neopians walking in and out every few minutes. She pressed the record button and continued to whisper into the device.

     “Located in Qasala, a quaint city bordering the river in the Lost Desert, the Wheel of Extravagance has been a joy and frustration to many. Our investigative team have all experienced the rush and usual disappointment of spinning this pricey wheel and have felt the sting of the Tonu laughing at us as we walk away with our meagre prizes. Though it is said that the rare Neopian can take home a prize worth more than they could ever imagine, that has not been the case for most.”

     Annabelle quickly ducked back into the alley as a Neopian exited the building housing the wheel and began walking in her general direction. She could see them holding a piece of a laboratory map close to their chest. She waited until they were out of sight before edging back out of the alley and continuing with her recording.

     “Our group began to question the validity of this wheel and the Tonu running it, asking ourselves where did he come from and how did this wheel start? Does he hoard the wealth that this wheel generates? Where are the ultra-rare prizes coming from? These are the questions we wanted answers for, and what we uncovered may shock you.”

     So what did Annabelle uncover exactly? Well… nothing yet. But she was hoping by the end of this recording she would have something for her audience.

     Annabelle had been furiously investigating the Wheel of Extravagance Tonu for weeks. Unfortunately, he has no known name and lives a very secretive lifestyle. No one on her team had been able to find where the Tonu resides, and he’s refused to speak to anyone for an interview. The Wheel of Extravagance isn’t even on any Qasalan maps! Annabelle knew there was a story here, she just had to find it.

     Annabelle had been tailing the Tonu for several weeks and unfortunately his routine seemed pretty standard. He spent most of his day running the wheel by collecting payments and distributing prizes. Annabelle had noted previously that there was a locked safe behind the wheel where it seems that all the prizes and Neopoints are stored, but she’s had no luck finding out the code, as the Tonu blocks it each time he accesses it.

     While she was waiting for the Tonu to emerge, Annabelle decided to interview some Neopians as they exited the building. She spent the next few hours approaching Neopians, asking them about their luck at the wheel. She held her recorder close to their faces as they answered, eyeing her warily.

     “Well… I haven’t had any luck today. But tomorrow I’m sure will give me something good!”

     “100,001 Neopoints today. So technically it’s a win, right?”

     “Get away from me! You’re trying to steal my Paint Brush!”

     Annabelle sighed as the crowd thinned out and the sun began to fall over the horizon. At least it’s not as hot anymore, she thought optimistically.

     She sat on the ground, leaning against the building in her little alleyway hiding spot and re-listened to the day’s recording. She was nearly done and ready to pack it up for the evening, when she heard the door creak open from across the street. She looked up at the sky, realising that hours had passed and night was in full force. The streets were quiet aside from the Tonu peeking his head out the door and then scurrying around the back of the building.

     Annabelle jumped to her feet.

     “The Tonu is on the move. Where is he heading?” She whispered into her recorder then quickly and quietly followed after him. Annabelle followed him for what felt like forever, as he crept under the cover of night through back alleys and tight passages in the streets of Qasala. Luckily, this wasn’t Annabelle’s first rodeo. She knew how to be discreet and follow at a safe distance. This was the kind of journalism she lived for.

     Finally, the Tonu stopped in another small and quiet street before ducking into a nearby alley. Annabelle waited around the corner as she heard the Tonu begin whispering to another figure hidden in the shadows. Annabelle got as close as she thought she safely could, but unfortunately she couldn’t see or hear who he was talking to. The other voice was gruff and low, but Annabelle didn’t recognise it. She didn’t dare whisper into her recorder now, she was too close and they would probably hear her.

     She watched as the Tonu pulled out a large drawstring bag, bursting with what appeared to be Neopoints. The clinking of the coins was the loudest sound in the street. The Tonu passed the figure the bag and accepted another similar bag in exchange. Annabelle craned her neck to see better as the Tonu pulled the bag strings open to examine what was inside. He reached in and pulled out a Nerkmid and Maraquan Paint Brush, turning them over in his hands.

     Are they authentic? Is that what he’s checking for? Annabelle wondered.

     She watched the Tonu nod in satisfaction and shake the hidden figure’s hand. Then, he quickly began to creep down the street back towards the Wheel of Extravagance building. Annabelle didn’t know what to do. Should she follow him or stay and try to figure out who the figure was?

     Before her mind was made up, she heard the jingling of the Neopoint bag, and saw the figure floating up into the sky. It cackled as it rose above the buildings, clutching the bag as it disappeared into the clouds.

     Annabelle stood there in shock. She shakily held her recorder up to her mouth.

     “He… he’s working with the Pant Devil.”

     Her mind was a jumbled mess at the realisation. All this time, the Tonu was stocking the Wheel of Extravagance with stolen items from Neopians. He must be giving the Pant Devil a portion of his profits in exchange for the prize supply. Annabelle sank to the ground as she came to terms with the discovery.

     “I knew something was wrong with that wheel.” She whispered. Anger took over her as she continued to reflect on what she’d just seen.

     “The Wheel of Extravagance is being stocked with our very own items, stolen from our inventories when our backs are turned!” She hissed into the recorder. She jumped back to her feet and took off down the streets as fast as she could. She had to write this down. She had to expose the truth.

     The next Neopian Times was sure to be a shocking one.

     The End.

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