Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 197,890,916 Issue: 1022 | 29th day of Storing, Y26
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword ellienib

Week - 620

Which Petpet Is Best For You?
by ellienib
Description: Hello and welcome to Solanza's School of Petpet Care and Training! I'm Solanza, manager and expert Petpet caretaker. I'm guessing you want a Petpet, am I right? Well, then you've come to the right place!

Week - 663

A Guide to Classic Neohome Design
by ellienib
Description: Very few people still utilize their Classic Neohomes. And this is a pity, for one of my favorite activities on Neopets is to decorate and expand my own Neohome.

Week - 1016

How to Choose a Petpet for Your Mutant Pet
by ellienib
Description: Mutant Pets have some of the coolest designs out there, but their customization options are a lot more limited than other Pets. If you want to give your Mutant some extra pizzazz on their lookup, giving them a Petpet is the way to go.

Week - 1017

Casual Clicking for Fun and Profit
by ellienib
Description: There are many reasons why you might be trying to kill time on Neopets. Perhaps you’re waiting for a shop to restock, or for new Kadoaties to beg for expensive foods, or for your Neofriend to answer a message.

Week - 1021

The Dream Quest
by ellienib
Description: “Yes!” Solanza crowed, pumping her fist in the air as the text flashed across her screen: CONGRATULATIONS!!! YOU HAVE BEATEN NEOQUEST!

Week - 1022

The Dream Quest
by ellienib
Description: Solanza couldn’t keep her jaw from dropping as she stared at the white Lupe, the protagonist of her NeoQuest game, and the Neopian who had saved her life. “You’re Xantan?” she asked incredulously.

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Fact or Fuzzy Fiction: A Neopets TTRPG Adventure
Thanks for playing! Collab with lennekegirl123 and nostalgia

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Magnum Imperium: The Candidate
Xantan groaned as his body shivered. Not again. He coughed harshly and braced himself on his forearms. A second cough caused him to collapse on his desk.

by terpsichorean_writer


The Problem Child (Orion’s Story)
A short, dark figure ran through the woods. Huffing and puffing, nearly out of breath, he continued to run. The wind shifted to the north and brought a chill to the air.

by black_skull725


Funthing Has Happened!!
How did this happen!? Collab with 1nconsolable

by white_tiger0226


A half-remembered voice shattered Skyleur's dreamscape. "Enough of that! Wake up!"

by phadalusfish

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