Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 197,890,916 Issue: 1022 | 29th day of Storing, Y26
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword lavo0810

Week - 994

Which Pumpkin Are You?
by lavo0810
Description: Which pumpkin are you? Well, it is that time of year again! A crisp cool wind rustles the trees around your neighbourhood.

Week - 1014

Introducing Coach Crabby
by lavo0810
Description: Team Dacardia think of a new use for Crabbybots!

Week - 1018

Tavi's Rope
by lavo0810
Description: Play it cool...

Week - 1019

Costumed Kadoatie
by lavo0810
Description: A night and day difference!

Week - 1020

Unhelpful Advice
by lavo0810
Description: Wheel of prizes! Win every time!

Week - 1022

The Light of Dacardia
by lavo0810
Description: Oggy gazed out his window and sniffed. The air was thick with the salty tang of the sea, and the sky, once a brilliant blue, had turned a brooding shade of charcoal.

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6 Observations of a Returning Neopian
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The Problem Child (Orion’s Story)
A short, dark figure ran through the woods. Huffing and puffing, nearly out of breath, he continued to run. The wind shifted to the north and brought a chill to the air.

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Heal me please!
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The Dream Quest
Solanza couldn’t keep her jaw from dropping as she stared at the white Lupe, the protagonist of her NeoQuest game, and the Neopian who had saved her life. “You’re Xantan?” she asked incredulously.

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Magnum Imperium: The Candidate
Xantan groaned as his body shivered. Not again. He coughed harshly and braced himself on his forearms. A second cough caused him to collapse on his desk.

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