Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 98,096,637 Issue: 194 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y7
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by sky665

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Lost Patients
Live long and prosper...

Story by Patjade

by jkalyan


A Wizards Beginning: Part Six
The Draik had been standing there for a good few minutes, looking and observing the ransacked streets and buildings, going closer to check out a few unusual looking things. He hoped that something on the street would lead him up...

by sirussblack


The Gracklebug and the Grarrl
The heat was getting to Beth as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky. It was soon noon, and the Grarrl's stomach begun to growl. She shook her head and muttered 'gracklebugs' as she looked for them...

by shadowcristal


Playing The Part: Part Three
"Guess who's Queen Allison?" said Glitter, quivering with gladness. "GUESS?"

by precious_katuch14

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