Enter the Snowflake's lair... Circulation: 98,096,637 Issue: 194 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y7
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Short Stories

The Gracklebug and the Grarrl

The heat was getting to Beth as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky. It was soon noon, and the Grarrl's stomach begun to growl. She shook her head and muttered 'gracklebugs' as she looked for them...

by shadowcristal
Addicted to Beauty

"You know," she said, "you really wouldn't look so bad with a little makeup and maybe a new hairdo."

by twirlsncurls5
Confidence is the Key

Lion was an excellent Battledomer, Ruby was an awesome artist, and her… she was supposed to be the writer, but she knew she wasn't as gifted as her friends. No matter how many times Lion and Ruby complimented her, she often thought her writing was shabby...

by imogenweasley
Changes for the Worse

"How about, Mother dearest," Celia mocked through gritted teeth, "you go get some clothes, get groomed, and buy some Usukis for yourself, and I'll go do what I want, okay?"

Also by springsteen0991

by hottamale0774


Kyleigh blinked for a moment as she tried to back away, but her paw hit the counter and she merely stood there, unaware that her mouth had dropped open, for this Kacheek wasn't her typical customer...

by 3dcourtney12044
Harquin's Day

Once outside, she splashed into the cool, sparkling water only a few feet from their beachside Neohome, the sea breeze tousling her green mane. She gazed out into the expanse of the ocean, wishing something would happen. Something exciting...

by midnight_tango
My Truth

I can remember my first day at Neoschool, it was a disaster and even the pets from the pound mocked me, they called me teacher's pet, and mummy's little Usul...

by pippin_me
Curse of the 'Fat Pawkeet' - The Parody

The only difference now is that Neopia is overun by pirates and pirate wannabes. The most famous of them all is the 'Fat Pawkeet' and its crew of pirates...

by xxj3nnyxx137
Call Of The Wind

The pup slowly slunk through the wet undergrowth, rain pelting his small body every so often. He whimpered, never in his life had he felt so alone, so scared. Tayoka had been so kind...

by digital_microwave
Search the Neopian Times


A New Grey?

Fads in Neopia run rampant and then just fade away. Can pet colors do the same? I suppose so. So does that mean that clay will be the new grey? Let’s just ponder that for a moment. As soon as the grey pets came out everyone had to have one. This was furthered by the avatar craze that hit soon after...

Other Stories


Hubrid's Hero Heist - The Guide
While the points rewarded for a successful game may be low, the replay value alone should appeal to even those that normally cross the street to avoid Flash games...

Also by jeffc_7227

by undeadfortune


50 Secret Avatars That Will Never Be Released: Part Two
The ‘Nobody Likes Me’ Avatar: Ever wonder why so many guilds only have one member? It’s because they are trying to get this secret avatar.

Also by pseudo

by harper_1618


Rebel's Initiation: Part One
On this particular day the Cap'n found himself breaking into another tale popular with his classes. In brooding tones and with ominous eyes, he told the students about a fleet of pirates from "this very island" who had stumbled upon a seemingly mythical city beneath the water...

by kublakhan27


The Card House Falls: Part Two
A tiny bead of sweat appeared on the club owner's brow and he glanced at the now shabby piece of paper still in his paw. "Looks like it's time to disappear for backup," he silently whispered to himself.

by appaloosa500


The Rubbish Dump
I always wondered where the Soup Faerie got all that soup

by snarella2


Field Guide to Neopia
That would be a first...

by amandalockie375

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