teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 98,096,637 Issue: 194 | 10th day of Relaxing, Y7
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neoDizzy "Inspirashun"

I was inspired.

by linzee27
Everyday Adventures of Zack Zafara

Donating to the needy is good!

by rufusrockskp
Field Guide to Neopia

That would be a first...

by amandalockie375
The Creatures of Guardian Keep - Episode I

In which Khe observes a friend.

by khestrel
Random Life

Not published? Not surprising...

by nolwe
Lost Patients

Live long and prosper...

Story by Patjade

by jkalyan


You have a new quest!

by ghostkomorichu
Makyan and Me

"Shoyru Surprise"

by cleoannie
The Rubbish Dump

I always wondered where the Soup Faerie got all that soup

by snarella2
Random Things!!

That helps...

by sky665
Hyper Drive

Ever wonder why there aren't any Neopian inventors?

by jacfreec
Changing Times

What ever happened to the good 'ol days?

by rejenerated

I've been on hiatus for too long. XD

by meowth4
Speck the Speckled

Hosted by your favorite Neopet...

by cheetah_kougra
Whack-a-Lenny Sack

...and I didn't even get on the "high score" table.

by ickessler
Mootix Trouble

Pure Skill.

by gringalo7
Meridell - Time Reverse

Torasque and Necrothos casts a time spell... What horrors await them back in time?

by void_walker
ECP - "The Faerie Queen Question"

Can I ask you a question...

by eos_aurora
Midnight Snack

Why now?

Also by patjade

by scarletrhapsody

Neopia Acres

How does he hold up a newspaper?

by wyomingslim
Extra Ordinary

We told you it was extra ordinary!

by kitten3x
Funny Tree

Should I get it?

Art by fetedieu

by lionessrulez


Connoisseur? I don't think so.

by 4_ever_
Search the Neopian Times


"Lydia" by 3dcourtney12044
Kyleigh did her best to put on a smile, trying to close her eyes to the uncontrollable sniggering that came from Junna...

Other Stories


Curse of the 'Fat Pawkeet' - The Parody
The only difference now is that Neopia is overun by pirates and pirate wannabes. The most famous of them all is the 'Fat Pawkeet' and its crew of pirates...

by xxj3nnyxx137


The Gracklebug and the Grarrl
The heat was getting to Beth as the sun rose higher and higher in the sky. It was soon noon, and the Grarrl's stomach begun to growl. She shook her head and muttered 'gracklebugs' as she looked for them...

by shadowcristal


Clay - Could it be the New Grey?
Fads in Neopia run rampant and then just fade away. Can pet colors do the same? I suppose so. So does that mean that clay will be the new grey? Let’s just ponder that for a moment.

by pyrosgf


TC’s Tutorials: Create that Character!
Plain and simply; no character – no story, you just can’t write even the simplest of tales without one, let alone the amazing epic you have in mind!

by tambourine_chimp


Rebel's Initiation: Part One
On this particular day the Cap'n found himself breaking into another tale popular with his classes. In brooding tones and with ominous eyes, he told the students about a fleet of pirates from "this very island" who had stumbled upon a seemingly mythical city beneath the water...

by kublakhan27


The Card House Falls: Part Two
A tiny bead of sweat appeared on the club owner's brow and he glanced at the now shabby piece of paper still in his paw. "Looks like it's time to disappear for backup," he silently whispered to himself.

by appaloosa500

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