Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 182,656,530 Issue: 231 | 16th day of Running, Y8
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword obviousfakename

Week - 223

An Introduction to Xweetoks
by obviousfakename
Description: There’s a lot of mystery currently surrounding Xweetoks, and many questions about their kind. Where did they come from?

Week - 222

by obviousfakename
Description: The problems of being painted Snow...

Week - 224

by obviousfakename
Description: What really happens to those "spell ingredients"...

Week - 227

by obviousfakename
Description: The obligatory "fishing" comic...

Week - 229

by obviousfakename
Description: The most important skill in Cellblock is denial.

Week - 231

by obviousfakename
Description: Something has happened!

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The Five Kaus: Part Eight
"Wrong," said Jacob, stepping in front of the Scorchio's view. "You are going to change Metonot back to normal, remember? I believe you said you would do that?"

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Who Knew?
Jhudora honors her with a special place on her shelf. Who knew Jhudora actually likes Illusen?

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Escape From the Tomb
"You know, you're the best owner EVER, right?" she said in a sugary-sweet tone. I took another sip of coffee. Did I dare ask her what she wanted?

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Chibi Pals
Faerie hunting...

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Totally Tubular!
Seriously though, who are we racing again!?

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