Meow Circulation: 185,678,020 Issue: 281 | 2nd day of Running, Y9
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword elania123

Week - 281

Neopets Career Day - Top 12 Jobs Your Pets Can Do
by elania123
Description: Your pet wants a job. So how do you, as a loving caring owner find the perfect job that your pet will adore, but that won't leave them too tired to play with you?

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Baby Brother Bait
Not your conventional fishing trip!

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Mia the Unlucky Acara
She looked around, feeling the grass beneath her paws. Her blue Acara Plushie was gone, and as she stood up, she realized she was no longer in her Neohome...

by _supreme_dragon


Want to go to -Blocked-?

Also by mcquackers2

by mcquackers


Coughs, Colds, and Cures
On hearing her pets stumble into the kitchen, Biogirl looked up groggily from her paper and did her best to put on a smile. "Oh, good mornin', girls," she said. Her voice, normally a smooth happy tone, sounded raspy and stuffed up...

by biogirl1991


Literary Tales from the Mind of a Bird
Then, in an unexpected twist, no unexpected twist occurred. Instead, anonymous001 went about his regular business...

by bird_brain312

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