A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 177,384,889 Issue: 314 | 19th day of Collecting, Y9
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword __shichan__

Week - 311

The Flip Side: of Rocks and Fish
by __shichan__
Description: Some things lose their meaning here on Neopia.

Week - 314

The Flip Side : A Complete Breakfast
by __shichan__
Description: Unless you have problems with certain details...

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Highrock Pack History Songs: Song for Three Voices - Part Three
Shriek growled, frustrated. She was used to being teased about her coloration. She had to admit, faerie wasn't the most intimidating of colors...

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A Spy's Tale: New Life - Part One
"Hey, thief!" the Lupe shouted. "Come on, Leon, after him!" The pair unsheathed their swords and dashed off towards the alley...

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Paint Brushes: Neopia's Top 10
I embarked on a quest to seek out which of these Paint Brushes the general public found the most appealing as an item...

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Blatant Ridiculousness
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Marketplace of Memories: Part Two
I tried to scream, to hold her back, to tell her in any way I could that the pet at the door was not her little sister. My efforts were in vain. Brushing her dusky-blue fringe from her eyes she placed a paw on the handle and pulled open the door...

by yatomiyuka

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