For an easier life Circulation: 177,074,046 Issue: 328 | 1st day of Awakening, Y10
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We found the following 8 result(s) for the keyword ridiculer

Week - 321

Neopets Fashion on the Fast Lane: Customization
by ridiculer
Description: Try finding your own unique style, and if you have to mix and match pieces of other styles, it doesn't matter as long as it suits you!

Week - 322

Meepit Tricks!
by ridiculer
Description: I want a cookie!

Week - 326

Gourmet Restaurants - Top Three
by ridiculer
Description: Here are rated three of the best well-known restaurants in every aspect.

Week - 324

Celebrating the New Year: the Ultimate Resolutions
by ridiculer
Description: This guide is here to help you decide, organize, and initiate your resolutions in the New Year!

Week - 323

Holiday Feasts Made Easy: Budget and Taste Approved
by ridiculer
Description: There's nothing better than sitting down at the table as a family with your neopets on the holidays for a nice, warm meal. Oh, and of course, dessert!

Week - 325

Judgmental Mistakes
by ridiculer
Description: Very useful, you know.

Week - 327

The Numnums: Conceited much?
by korked
Description: #1 Coolest Neopet EVER!

Idea by ridiculer

Week - 328

Honoring Kacheeks: How to Celebrate Their Day
by ridiculer
Description: They're wonderful Neopets almost anyone can appreciate. So, how should we honor them...

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The Magical Coconut Mission: Part Three
Sand swirled around the Uni's horns as he skidded to a stop near them. He reared once, displaying the vicious flames which flickered around onyx colored hooves...

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Poor Mutant Buzz
A nice little Buzzer tries to cheer up a sad Mutant Buzz...

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Comet Trails
It had only been for a brief moment, but she could have sworn that she had glimpsed something streaking brightly across the sky...

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Rai's Choice
"Mia, are you sure about this? We could really get into so much trouble." A yellow Shoyru stood in the Hidden Tower peering at the price tags...

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The Statue
I will never know what its motives are, and what its history is. There is only one thing that I will ever know is true about my house.

It is haunted...

by psychopsam

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