Neopia's Fill-in-the-blank News Source Circulation: 176,283,216 Issue: 348 | 20th day of Relaxing, Y10
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword mamasimios

Week - 342

Queen of the Banned
by mamasimios
Description: I refuse to stop trawling the shops until I get at least one unbuyable, or at least nearly unbuyable, item per day. And sometimes this leads to many hundreds of page refreshes.

Week - 344

by mamasimios
Description: Simply select "Quests" from the Neoboard Index and help is just a click away. After all, the kind folks in here are willing to lend a hand!

Week - 348

The Happiness Faerie's Tea Party
by mamasimios
Description: "To friendship!" decreed the Happiness Faerie, and the others echoed the toast...

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Whatever Happened to the Lamameeah?
and the winner is...

by m3rcuri


sanity ltd
Who put this giant yellow rock here anyways?

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by lachtaube


Fashion Victims
You got those too!

by greenladysoap


The Night of Nothing: Part Two
That's my chance! Gilly thought, deciding to think something useful for the second time today, a personal record...

Also by spoonguardonline

by water_park1993

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