The most fantastic thing in the universe! Circulation: 175,958,071 Issue: 351 | 18th day of Swimming, Y10
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We found the following 3 result(s) for the keyword mandellababe

Week - 344

Life According To...
by mandellababe
Description: They always pop up at the last second!

Week - 350

Happy 350th Issue! *chomp*
by mandellababe
Description: la la la...

Idea by mzkimmi

Week - 351

Oh, Yooyu!
by mandellababe
Description: I'll never get the hang of those Darigan Yooyus...

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Altador Cup: How to Stay on the Track to All-Star
I am still on track to attaining the much desired Rank 20 in time despite falling behind schedule on several occasions. Here, I share the things that have kept me going...

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Oh... Dung...
Let's do it!

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Eat Me And I'll Eat You...
Here is your trinket!

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In Rain or Shine: Someday...
It is always important to have a goal...

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