Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 175,814,284 Issue: 418 | 13th day of Storing, Y11
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Week - 418

by druselia
Description: The Pteri is a bird like neopet that originated from Tyrannia...

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The Possibilities are Endless: Part Four
The faerie turned around, and she raised her eyebrows when she saw me. "How's the little Yullie?" she asked in a calm voice.

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Fireheart: Part Three
After a week of being Aroma's maid, I knew my prediction came true; I did hate her high bell-like voice.

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So You Want to Wear that Poet's Hat?
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"Whoa, Hokey-Okey-Cokey"
I have been living in the shadow of the Secret Laboratory Ray myself and I must say, I am not particularly happy about it.

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