Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 175,814,284 Issue: 418 | 13th day of Storing, Y11
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Continued Series

The Return of Sloth: The Musical! - Part Five

Space Faerie: I'm calling from an enormous distance

To give a message to the Resistance.

It's become clear that I was tricked,

So I can't aid in the conflict.

by rosabellk

The Traitor: Part Ten

"I would not by any means wish to see you falsely accused, but nevertheless you are accused, sir, and I am a servant of the Crown."

by jokerhahaazzz
There is No Cost to Friendship: Part Eight

Her life was almost as lonely as it was the year before, except instead of the three popular girls tormenting her for no reason, they actually had a motive. This made the tormenting worse.

by jbergz8495
The Greatest Story Never Told: Part Seven

"If he does have a time machine, one that works, we can't leave him here with it!" Will looked aghast.

by tanikagillam
Brightvale History: The Two Kings - Part Four

"I absolutely forbid it," the red Hissi hissed though the cracked door. "Her Highness is asleep..."

by nimras23
A Roo-yal Expedition: Part Six

Julia looked at the fleet of ships just off shore. Now that it was almost dark, she could only make out their silhouettes.

by maltese51191
Inheritance: Part Five

"We can't take her with us to Altador," said the Ambassador...

by shadow_sabre_
The Possibilities are Endless: Part Four

The faerie turned around, and she raised her eyebrows when she saw me. "How's the little Yullie?" she asked in a calm voice.

by majikel
How to Save the World of Insurance in Six Easy Parts: Part Two

"Me, sir?" Oscar gasped. "How am I supposed to save the world of insurance?"

by herdygerdy
Fireheart: Part Three

After a week of being Aroma's maid, I knew my prediction came true; I did hate her high bell-like voice.

by royal_magicain
Changes and Friendship: Part Two

By now Sadie and Maylene had realised that they wouldn't be partners, and were talking about switching seats, but they couldn't. Miss Taily was already writing down everyone's names...

by sapphirekira
The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Broomsticks: Part Three

"No wonder witches are feared," Marie said, a chill creeping up her spine at what she could be – what she would be.

by buds_and_authors
Shadows: Part Three

Mae gritted her teeth. Of course he'd pick one of the darkest parts of the room to hide from the shadows.

by iris220_ll
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Ways to Celebrate

You suddenly realize what day it is! Oh no, you forgot to plan a party! No worries. You don't have to worry about planning anything big, with all your friends who play Neopets, with a huge cake with pictures of your favorite pets on it; in fact, here are the top ten ways to have your own little bash, just you and your own pets. Let the festivities begin!

Other Stories


"Whoa, Hokey-Okey-Cokey"
I have been living in the shadow of the Secret Laboratory Ray myself and I must say, I am not particularly happy about it.

by carrotopian


How Howard Found His Smile
All his fellows at the Neopian Pound agreed that he was the greyest neopet they had ever met.

by akalanka90210


Top Ten Ways to Celebrate Neopets' Birthday
You don't need a huge party to have fun on Neopets' birthday!

by ellbot1998


Tourism on Mystery Island: Completely Overrated
I recently spent some time on the shores of Mystery Island, and it proved to be one of the most awkward and enraging weeks through which I have ever lived.

by linkwarrior223


Avatar Hunting: The Kadaotery
The Kadoaties get more specific.

by candycaddy


Common Sense
Sponsored by Achyfi!

by supergirl_lazergirl

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