Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 175,814,284 Issue: 418 | 13th day of Storing, Y11
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Avatar Hunting: The Kadaotery

by candycaddy

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"Whoa, Hokey-Okey-Cokey"
I have been living in the shadow of the Secret Laboratory Ray myself and I must say, I am not particularly happy about it.

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The Perfect Ten
The uneven bars. Bonnie stared at the two bars, one high, one low. The starry Aisha had to get this right, or she would let her team down...

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The Pteri is a bird like neopet that originated from Tyrannia...

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Fireheart: Part Three
After a week of being Aroma's maid, I knew my prediction came true; I did hate her high bell-like voice.

by royal_magicain

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