Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 175,814,284 Issue: 418 | 13th day of Storing, Y11
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New Series

Chronicles of the Shadow Princess II - Allies: Part One

She had managed to escape her father's castle a mere three nights ago.

by nagara_and_samarae
Scarlet Shadow: A Scepter Full of Trouble - Part One

She meant to make a quiet escape, but that was apparently not meant to be. "Oh well, at least I got the diamond," she sighed...

by kathleen_kate
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10 Years of Neopets

On the 15th day of Storing (November 15th) every year, the world of Neopia and Neopets celebrate their birthday, and this year will be even bigger and better, as it is their 10th Birthday. It has been a whole decade since Neopia was created, and to celebrate, I have put together the top 7 most defining and well known moments and events that have occurred over the...

Other Stories


How Howard Found His Smile
All his fellows at the Neopian Pound agreed that he was the greyest neopet they had ever met.

by akalanka90210


Sir Chivulry - A Knight's Story
This is my Poogle's quest of becoming a knight.

by sharmed


Cloud Raiders Guide
Does this game seem hard to you?

by lasley214


So You Want to Wear that Poet's Hat?
We've all seen how cool it would be to have your name resting in bold on top of a hunk of italicized, impressive-looking text.

by _razcalz_


A Neo Look Neopia's Trees

by jewelia52


The New Qnde & Szoo #3
About new family members

by shubi5

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