Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 181,285,215 Issue: 442 | 7th day of Hunting, Y12
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We found the following 4 result(s) for the keyword frostcrystal

Week - 267

Something Has Happened!
by frostcrystal
Description: "I'm scared, there are so many horrible monsters out there!"

Concept by tdyans

Week - 271

by frostcrystal
Description: Evil will lose in the end!

Week - 381

by precious_katuch14
Description: Comical.

Art by frostcrystal

Week - 442

by frostcrystal
Description: In his defense, 626 was under the impression Sloth liked pink paint and hearts.

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Beyond that Potion
I was just a Kacheek. Kacheeks, as you probably know, are the most boring and plain pets one could ever imagine.

by butter_bar12


The Potion of Insanity
When a potion has the power to awaken the greed of a good queen, it's best kept a secret.

by brokensilent


The Conspiracy: Part One
"I will attempt to reconcile myself to the idea that I may not always be perfection itself..."

by jokerhahaazzz


The Hunt for Hunting Equipment
Get geared up for the Month of Hunting! Don't be the prey, be the predator!

by creative008


The Solution?

by manforlife

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