Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 187,693,211 Issue: 525 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y13
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We found the following 10 result(s) for the keyword yoshifan272

Week - 491

Within the Games: Part One
by yoshifan272
Description: The Daily Dare may be over, but the REAL games have just begun...

Week - 492

Within the Games: Part Two
by yoshifan272
Description: "I'll never forgive myself!!!!! I'M THE WORST BLUMAROO ALIVE!!!!"” cried AAA.

Week - 493

Within the Games: Part Three
by yoshifan272
Description: "Do you want to come along? I mean, it is a fun place and you've never played a video game in your LIFE! Do you want to try and play one?"

Week - 494

Within the Games: Part Four
by yoshifan272
Description: "Oh, I'm so stupid! I knew that I shouldn't have dragged Margo here! I knew it!!! I'm a despicable being! Oh why, oh why did this happen? I'm a horrible friend!" cried Marine.

Week - 495

Within the Games: Part Five
by yoshifan272
Description: "Alright, well, you know what to do!" Marine and AAA hopped onto the platforms like they'd done it all their lives.

They disappeared into a flash of light...

Week - 496

Within the Games: Part Six
by yoshifan272
Description: "You really think YOU can defeat ME?! YOU WILL LOSE!" cackled the Dark Faerie.

Week - 497

Within the Games: Part Seven
by yoshifan272
Description: "Cyber-Port 2000, take us to Faerie Racers!"

Week - 498

Within the Games: Part Eight
by yoshifan272
Description: "You're willing to ruin your dream for everyone's safety?"

Week - 524

Four Thirteens1: The Haunted Cottage - Part One
by yoshifan272
Description: Well, it all started a couple of months ago on a warm and sunny Saturday...

Week - 525

Four Thirteens1: The Haunted Cottage - Part Two
by yoshifan272
Description: I creaked the door open and Ronny held it for me. As soon as the two of us stepped into the cottage and Ronny let go of the door, the door swung shut.

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