White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 187,693,211 Issue: 525 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y13
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Lame Pun Presents: Holiday Happenstance (part 10)

Sloth Was Here, Meepits Rule All, Jelly World is Rea-

by blackaavar
Saly's Club: The Tree 1/2

Hey Mr. Spooked, don't be so "sharp"! Haha, get it? Sharp? Ok, nevermind.

by djudju22_8
Muckla and the Snowy Case - part 5

Neosay is a thorough questioner.

by lovisa966
Blechy - a Winter's Tale (part 2)

...may your days be merry and bright...

by sheik_93
Neopian Neophyte - Xtreme Yoga

Is this what they teach in Nimmo: Now and Zen?

by leedom111
Kougra Stories- Looking for a job 9/9

Yoshiko and Sorami are looking for a job; will they get one?

by tachiki
More Hardships of... Habitarium P3s 18

Pick a location already!

by alagfalaswen
The Wishing Well

Pay attention to what you're wishing for!

by amarillida
So Says the Slorg!

I'm sure that all of that money was gained through wholly legal means.

by supercheezee
The Adventures of Me

Quite the pile of rubbish... :P

by alex4425
Welcoming a New Family Member

Sometimes things don't go the way you want.

by roxanna203
Just Cake #10

Just Boxes

by flameshard
Splif - Ninja Books

I wonder where they go...?

by 1_doglefox
Wonders of the Universe

Look, 'Ma! No thumbs!

by knimble
Lilo Blumario

When they ask me... "Lilo, are you sure?"

by pump
There's Dung In My Soup!


by stella_123_5
Meridellian Life

Bogshot never did get the help they needed.

by golf232
The Sandbox

Congratulations! You have won a Water (Vapor) Muffin!

by deserted_shadow
The Consequences of a being a Ghost


by honeybee_462
Spyders & Such

No, I promise... it was the size of a Skeith.

by thebusterbell
JubJub Fun!

JubJubs getting back at the Shoyru!

by sportlovergrl25
That Awkward Moment

No pets were harmed in the making of this comic.

by lucas4429
Unlikeable Sort

Tough questions.

by keese_bat
Sketch Borovan Holiday Special 2 of 3

Deck the halls?

by izzywizard
Watch For Residents

Them snow pets just tend to get in the way.

by strawberry_honey
Cappuccino Hearts

The plushie remains ever silent, but...

by mikomon
The Reality of the Wishing Well Avatar

The best way to receive an avatar.

by legogirl3531
Snowager's Idea Part 1

The Snowager needs a plan to keep all its loot.

by 5966001
On a Thin Line

It happens every year...

by silvergullmon77
Random Oddness

We did a great job decorating!

by mistyqee

How many Chias could a Chiavore eat? Part 1

by frozenicicles
Not This Time!

Every single year...

Idea by rockjordan_guild

by jellybeanott

Neo Events - Happy Borovan Day!

How do we play?

by ilovepuppies31
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The Mini-World For You

Many Neopians are not even aware of all the wonderful and unique Mini-Worlds Neopia has to offer! Whether it's just for a quick vacation or you're looking for a more permanent spot to call home on Neopets, Mini-Worlds provide both seclusion and new opportunities and experiences. But which Mini-World is right for you? Take a seat, ladies and gents...

Other Stories


Go Down
It was supposed to be a normal day.

by lepingvin


It only felt like yesterday when we met each other by accident. It started in the food shop in Neopia Central when we were fighting over the last delicious chocolate milkshake.

by kitty_power_2298


Why I Love Being a Long Time Neopian
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Become a Successful Entrepreneur
It is safe to say that 99.9% of Neopians manage a shop. It is a great way to make extra neopoints...

by xxfallensnowangelxx


Beautiful Chaos: Part Seven
"Oh, well, it's a long and... really weird story, but mostly it's because we found a piece of paper on King Skarl's desk..."

by tanikagillam


Gifts For a Princess: Part One
It was the first time she had ever gone Christmas shopping, and it was already a disaster. She couldn't believe people did this every year.

by cloudpuffpuff

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