Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 187,693,211 Issue: 525 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y13
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Short Stories

Neopian Story Time: A Snowbunny Tail

"It's just a simple competition; the snowbunny with the fluffiest tail wins this jar of cookies! Now off you go and find some snowbunnies!"

by ilovemycatembers
I'm Lost

I guess I should talk about my childhood first. Although I'm warning you, it's no fairytale.

by natverdi
The Meepits

"Exactly! In fact, I've already decided what I want for my birthday! A Meepit!"

by aquamix789

It only felt like yesterday when we met each other by accident. It started in the food shop in Neopia Central when we were fighting over the last delicious chocolate milkshake.

by kitty_power_2298

We heard their warning cannons firing at us, making huge splashes and soaking the deck. We knew it was over.

by hallopio
Saving Silver

"It came from that bush," Dixi stated, pointing at a bush covered with snow. They walked over there, paws crunching from the snow below.

by skystreamer61
Go Down

It was supposed to be a normal day.

by lepingvin
The Troubles of a Pea

I want to tell you a story about what my life has been like up until now... It wasn't as easy as it seems it would be!

by warriorsrock965
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The Mini-World For You

Many Neopians are not even aware of all the wonderful and unique Mini-Worlds Neopia has to offer! Whether it's just for a quick vacation or you're looking for a more permanent spot to call home on Neopets, Mini-Worlds provide both seclusion and new opportunities and experiences. But which Mini-World is right for you? Take a seat, ladies and gents...

Other Stories


Who Said Fruit and Vegetables Were Boring?
I've scoured Neopia for some of the most delicious and mouthwatering fruit and veg you could possibly imagine.

by borisbecker


Become a Successful Entrepreneur
It is safe to say that 99.9% of Neopians manage a shop. It is a great way to make extra neopoints...

by xxfallensnowangelxx


Gifts For a Princess: Part One
It was the first time she had ever gone Christmas shopping, and it was already a disaster. She couldn't believe people did this every year.

by cloudpuffpuff


Four Thirteens1: The Haunted Cottage - Part Two
I creaked the door open and Ronny held it for me. As soon as the two of us stepped into the cottage and Ronny let go of the door, the door swung shut.

by yoshifan272


Splif - Ninja Books
I wonder where they go...?

by 1_doglefox


Neo Events - Happy Borovan Day!
How do we play?

by ilovepuppies31

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