Meow Circulation: 187,693,211 Issue: 525 | 16th day of Celebrating, Y13
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So Says the Slorg!

by supercheezee

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Snowager's Idea Part 1
The Snowager needs a plan to keep all its loot.

by 5966001


I'm Lost
I guess I should talk about my childhood first. Although I'm warning you, it's no fairytale.

by natverdi


To The Rescue?: Part Two
The door opened and Jet glared at us with unamused eyes. "Sky," he said curtly. His eyes shifted to Cat. "Ugh."

"You're not a morning guy, are you?" Cat asked.

by luna4400


Pet Trading Tips!
Have you ever stumbled onto the Neopian Pound Chat and been hopelessly confused?

by _unis4ever_

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