A Waffle Paradise Circulation: 188,352,098 Issue: 534 | 24th day of Awakening, Y14
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Rye So Intense?

by leetmango

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All Because of the Omelette
It was just an accident, but now I'm the one to blame.

by magicice


Order of Four: Part Six
But I soon came to realize that there was somebody else on the streets, and that that somebody seemed to be watching me.

by jokerhahaazzz


As the dawn began to break over Faerieland, none of the guards noticed a slender figure leaping from parapet to parapet of Fyora's palace.

by mecha_fang


Petpet Adventures: Let It Snow - Part Five
"Not quiet enough, obviously," Askar said, then froze as the Bori sentry looked up, eyes searching the ice in their direction.

by rachelindea

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