Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 188,352,098 Issue: 534 | 24th day of Awakening, Y14
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Infinity: Part One

It was the citizens themselves that earned the city its name. Everyone in that city was a Glowing Buzz. They were the Fireflies, proud of their identity as Neopets that naturally adapted to their dark environment. With such deep-rooted pride, none them would ever think of being anything else.

by blueys45
Baby Adventures: The Secret Note - Part One

Mischief is always best done when nobody else can witness it.

by cloudpuffpuff
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"The Coffee Wars" by smokingurl05
I had entered the Art Centre and made my way through the Deep Catacombs, with nothing on my mind but a simple Purple Juppie Java. The minute I entered the Coffee Cave, however, that Purple Juppie Java was wiped clear from my brain by the sight that met my eyes. There seemed to be a full out war going on, with coffee cups flying to and fro so fast that they were nothing but blurs. Every few seconds I could hear one of mugs shatter over the din of shouting Neopets and their...

Other Stories


The Coffee Wars
The Coffee Cave: Popular hangout of the more intellectual and artistic Neopians.

by smokingurl05


Taelia's Vacation
It was hard for me to believe that I was going to leave Terror Mountain forever. I had to strengthen my resolve, again. There was a reason why I was leaving Terror Mountain....

by funtime16543


A Look Back On Neopia's Most Famous Unis
Uni Day is upon us once again, Neopia! Your Uni has probably been reminding you since January 1st, because we all know that Unis love the attention and gifts showered upon them on their special day.

by sychologist


Birthday Celebrations!
What about your neopets? They have birthdays too and it is important to treat them.

by pink_rabbit123


Something Has Happened!
People really shouldn't litter like that.

by dusty


Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P!
Wait, that's not-

by shamaela

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