Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,352,098 Issue: 534 | 24th day of Awakening, Y14
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How to Not Get the Dice-a-Roo Avatar

Spoiler: the title is a lie.

by puufuu
Battledome Clueless? – An Interview With an Expert

If you're planning to train your pet, it's best to keep your STR and DEF even and to not let you HP get to double your STR/DEF. This will be the most economic way to build your pet.

Also by cashe322

by mercy_angel

Demystifying the Food Club

These pirates are pretty ostentatious (seriously, every day a race to eat a 10 course meal at 2:15pm at a restaurant? Who wouldn't notice?).

by lil_princess_of_evil
Extreme Herder Guide – Chasing Around the Paddock!

What do you get when you put a Kacheek, a Lupe, a couple of petpets and a paddock together? That is right, Extreme Herder, the game!

Also written by wesolini

by dawwetje

Birthday Celebrations!

What about your neopets? They have birthdays too and it is important to treat them.

by pink_rabbit123
Conquering Carnival Games

The aim of this game is to take out as many Chia clown foes as you can, who of course end up throwing pies at you in retaliation.

by flotsam_freako_8254
Life as a JubJub - Health

Generally, JubJubs are a pretty healthy species.

by loba_negra
The Smugglers Cove

How the Cove works, what has occurred at the Cove in the past, and just some fun information about the Cove!

by stampd
The Top 10 Most Expensive Cures

The most costly cures, their cheaper alternatives, what they cure...

by mondaybear21
Three Card Games You Didn't Even Know You Wanted To Play

Perhaps you, like many other Neopians, don't know about the many other cards games designed to help you pass the time. If that is you, I suggest you read on!

by rs_rbn
Cancelled Due to Lack of Interest

As you might wander around Neopia on a fine day such as the 3rd of March, watching the Beekadoodles fly about in the skies or having a giggle with the little Neopets playing games in the field, you might come across the thought "What special day does the Neopian calendar hold for me today?"

Also written by mikh26

by skyerandom301

A Look Back On Neopia's Most Famous Unis

Uni Day is upon us once again, Neopia! Your Uni has probably been reminding you since January 1st, because we all know that Unis love the attention and gifts showered upon them on their special day.

by sychologist
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"The Coffee Wars" by smokingurl05
I had entered the Art Centre and made my way through the Deep Catacombs, with nothing on my mind but a simple Purple Juppie Java. The minute I entered the Coffee Cave, however, that Purple Juppie Java was wiped clear from my brain by the sight that met my eyes. There seemed to be a full out war going on, with coffee cups flying to and fro so fast that they were nothing but blurs. Every few seconds I could hear one of mugs shatter over the din of shouting Neopets and their...

Other Stories


As the dawn began to break over Faerieland, none of the guards noticed a slender figure leaping from parapet to parapet of Fyora's palace.

by mecha_fang


No problem, you're going to get saved, right? ...Right?!

by hellehond


Clues in the Hidden Tower: Sparkles's Mystery - Part Seven
"Maybe somebody's trying to re-create the giant cloud that had once held Faerieland in the sky."

by downrightdude


Brainstorm: Part Three
I was wet, I was upset, and I was more than just a little frustrated. The little dark faerie that had appeared from nowhere was balanced on my nose, perched on one toe like a ballet dancer.

by vanessa1357924680


Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P!
Wait, that's not-

by shamaela


The Cybunny Intelligence

by soderham

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