Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 538 | 30th day of Running, Y14
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We found the following 24 result(s) for the keyword medit92

Week - 320

Beginning of a Legend: Part One
by medit92
Description: Garin peered around the deck. "The coast is clear," he whispered. They climbed aboard the ship and slipped below deck without a sound...

Week - 321

Beginning of a Legend: Part Two
by medit92
Description: Garin and Jacques couldn't help but feel proud. They had actually made something of themselves in one night. Now they were really getting somewhere...

Week - 322

Beginning of a Legend: Part Three
by medit92
Description: Jacques froze as he stared at his attacker's face. "What in the world.... You're just a kid!" he exclaimed...

Week - 323

Beginning of a Legend: Part Four
by medit92
Description: Garin's eyes shot open. He sat up, and found he was still in the alley where he and Bloodhook had fought. He groaned painfully and stood up...

Week - 324

Beginning of a Legend: Part Five
by medit92
Description: Bloodhook laughed evilly. "I told your mate I'd kill you," he said. He raised his cutlass. "And I always keep me word..."

Week - 327

Courage, Hatred, and Swords
by medit92
Description: He knew Scarblade was often seen on Scurvy Island, though not many people mentioned his name. Why were people so scared of him anyhow?

Week - 435

The Black Scarab: Part One
by medit92
Description: Sea Cat jumped and whirled around, only to find a cutlass at her throat, and Scarblade standing in front of her. She glared...

Week - 436

The Black Scarab: Part Two
by medit92
Description: Metal struck metal and sparks flew into the air as the two blades met. Sea Cat leapt up to face Avenger...

Week - 440

Tracking Down a Bloodline: Part One
by medit92
Description: "Are they still after us?" Garin asked. Jacques looked behind him at the guards who were following them.

"Yep. And they look as mad as ever!"

Week - 441

Tracking Down a Bloodline: Part Two
by medit92
Description: "No, Jacques. There’s far more to it than you could ever imagine."

I knew it, Garin thought.

Week - 442

Tracking Down a Bloodline: Part Three
by medit92
Description: "Check mate," Garin whispered...

Week - 443

Tracking Down a Bloodline: Part Four
by medit92
Description: "Attack!" Scarblade shouted.

Week - 489

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part One
by medit92
Description: Hannah didn't feel like working today. She had just come back from another raid in the Pirate Caves last night...

Week - 490

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Two
by medit92
Description: "If I know Garin, and I do, we won't see him till dawn because he'll be busy getting into trouble... again."

Week - 491

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Three
by medit92
Description: "Who's there?" he demanded. His response was another sudden flying rock, which hit his shoulder. Scarblade snarled...

Week - 492

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Four
by medit92
Description: "Garin?" came a muffled reply. Garin looked up. It sounded like it was coming from the other side of the pile of rocks.

Week - 493

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Five
by medit92
Description: "Scarblade!" Garin cried in alarm. He grabbed Hannah by arm and pulled her along quickly, breaking into a run.

Week - 494

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Six
by medit92
Description: Jacques and Armin hurried through the tunnels, careful to watch out for pirates from Scarblade's crew...

Week - 495

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Seven
by medit92
Description: "I think I found it!" he shouted, his voice echoing. Hannah looked up and ran over, with Scarblade right behind her, but she stopped and gasped once the pillar appeared out of the dark.

Week - 496

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Eight
by medit92
Description: "Perfect timing, right?" he asked. "Now hurry up and get up here! We’re waiting!"

Week - 497

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Nine
by medit92
Description: There was a small rope bridge leading out to the ship that sat in the center of the lake, but it was clearly old and fragile. Hannah knelt down...

Week - 498

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Ten
by medit92
Description: "It's another of Frigget's riddles..." Hannah groaned. "It's almost like he's playing a game with us!"

Week - 499

Crossed Paths and Blades: Part Eleven
by medit92
Description: "Garin, over here!" Hannah's cry came through the fire.

"Hang in there, I'm coming!" Garin shouted back, then hacked through more burning debris...

Week - 538

A Legend Begins Again: Part One
by medit92
Description: Isca tossed and turned in her bed, unable to shake the horror of the so vivid dream. She saw a stormy sea... a ship... a battle... a foe... danger... Garin...

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