White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 538 | 30th day of Running, Y14
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New Series

A Legend Begins Again: Part One

Isca tossed and turned in her bed, unable to shake the horror of the so vivid dream. She saw a stormy sea... a ship... a battle... a foe... danger... Garin...

by medit92
Things Best Remembered: Part One

The Protector of Calladamos, otherwise known as Janice, gave a long, exasperated sigh.

by chimie119
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NQIII Faerie Charms

With Neoquest III finally being released – something Neoquest fans have been waiting for for so long – it is hardly surprising that TNT followed the trend to offer some additional NC features for this game: The NQIII Faerie Charms! Usually I tend to ignore NC offers for games, but as this is NQIII we are talking about my curiosity got the better of me and I have to say: I don't regret having bought those charms as TNT did quite well with those...

Other Stories


One Week
We are staying the night at the Wooden Boot, an old inn that smells a little like mothballs and spilled grog and travel-worn leather, but it is nice enough. It was a miracle we could find a place to stay at all...

by vanessa1357924680


In Search of Kero
"I was just wondering... if you'd seen a blue Scorchio? Youngish, a warrior, goes by the name of Kero."

by ralph89170


Neopia's April Fools Jokes Throughout the Years
Let us look back on the past eleven years of hoaxes and pranks we've experienced together.

by sychologist


Boss Battles of NQ3
This article will detail what are, in my opinion, the five hardest boss battles in the game.

by yoyti


Things you should know about Usuls

by fressed


NeoQuest III
Fight fire with fire! ...Or if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?

by nut862

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