Invisible Paint Brushes rock Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 538 | 30th day of Running, Y14
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Things you should know about Usuls

by fressed
Neopian neophyte - Bagatellibox

It's a series of tubes!

by leedom111
Oh Em Gee, I'm MSP: The Mail Faerie

Homophones are our enemies Dx

by shamaela
The Roleplay Cafe: True Colors pt. 2

Oh, Soup Kitchen! How we've missed you!

by purrfect_cookie
Muckla goes to school #2

School is too much for these lazy students *sigh*

by lovisa966

Gotta watch those crazy Usuls...

Idea by necklace

by morfix

Horrors of the Pound Chat

It's just business, right?

by ice_dragon_babby
Mystical Misfortune

I wonder what it does...

by theorii
Faerie Quests

Logic has no place here...

by chiruza_sama
i still dont know what to name this comic...

in which i failo shade a comic

by laser_fire
Blah Blah - Altador Cup Madness II

Yooyuball tryouts

by highwind20
3 Royals plus 1

That is the reason!

by white_tiger0226
Intro: Nigel's Arrival - Part Three - End

So many options, but which to choose?!!

by celtic_fiddler
Beauty Problems

Hallowe'en is over...

by pocky_of_doom
One Lucky Day

Aww yeah!

by zemutt
This is Why


Also by cinnamon_girl

by aldurswolf

When News Arrives at Meri-Acres Farm

Did you see the news?

Story by ruben160

by sk390

Scary Soup: Gift Horse

You have received...

by raykitty
Weather Forecast - Evil Clown Repellent


by hawkpaw098
Benefits of Being Zombie

They have their ways.

by ultra_neo_maniac
Be Careful How You Say Things

Look what I found!

by marta_uau
Cappuccino Hearts

Really now.

by mikomon
Random Oddness: April Fools

Top 10 Pranks

by mistyqee
NeoQuest III

Fight fire with fire! ...Or if you can't beat 'em, join 'em?

by nut862
Chance of Rain - Victory

1 2 3 SNOOZE!

by mizumew
HEY it's Phun Teim!

Did you hear the rumors? Well, they've been confirmed!!

by kaiodadragon
Lupe Dieting Tips

I need to stock up.

Art by vampirebunny18

by sarcasticdeath

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NQIII Faerie Charms

With Neoquest III finally being released – something Neoquest fans have been waiting for for so long – it is hardly surprising that TNT followed the trend to offer some additional NC features for this game: The NQIII Faerie Charms! Usually I tend to ignore NC offers for games, but as this is NQIII we are talking about my curiosity got the better of me and I have to say: I don't regret having bought those charms as TNT did quite well with those...

Other Stories


The Problem of April Second
"Because you haven't stopped talking for an hour now. I don't know how you can talk at the rate you do and still have time to breathe..."

by kristykimmy


In Search of Kero
"I was just wondering... if you'd seen a blue Scorchio? Youngish, a warrior, goes by the name of Kero."

by ralph89170


An April Fools Addict
It's very funny but three hundred and sixty-four days of the year (and an extra one on leap years) I'm a very sensible, ordinary person.

by aifricr


A Customizer's Guide to Customization
The basics of Customization for beginners. Tips and tricks to keep in mind while exploring the realm of Customization!

by neosolarias


Red Thread: Part Three
"I'm never lucky," Owen remarks, grinning. "It just depends on how far you're willing to go."

by kevboizz


Order of Four: Part Ten
"I don't know how to open a portal," I said hopelessly.

by jokerhahaazzz

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