Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 189,237,064 Issue: 547 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y14
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword dragon10044

Week - 395

by dragon10044
Description: Everyone possessed some form of magical strength. Everyone had a special, powerful ability linked to the elements. 

Everyone except him.

Week - 414

Hasee Bounce... or Life Lessons?
by dragon10044
Description: It's amazing how much one can learn from a pair of petpets that have somehow rigged a seesaw to catch fruit that defy gravity.

Week - 413

Folds, A Shenkuu Legend
by dragon10044
Description: The task, year after year, was to fold one hundred paper Quintilcs and display them in the courtyard of the Lunar Temple.

Week - 429

Shadows of Light, a Faerieland Legend
by dragon10044
Description: It is impossible to create harmony if everyone sings the same note...

Week - 480

Card Quest
by dragon10044
Description: "Sil! What are you doing?"

The cloud Shoyru looked up from the picnic table he sat at, Neodeck cards spread out in front of him.

Week - 531

Circle of Five, an Ancient Neopia Legend
by dragon10044
Description: The following scroll is comprised of many pieces and bits of notes penned by a long-forgotten and unnamed scholar...

Week - 547

Crystals, a Terror Mountain Legend
by dragon10044
Description: The secret to crafting such "brilliant and beautiful" weapons has been carefully guarded, passed down through each owner of the Ice Crystal shop. 

This is the tale of the first two.

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