Stand behind yer sheriff Circulation: 190,793,466 Issue: 586 | 15th day of Running, Y15
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We found the following 7 result(s) for the keyword daniecelpines

Week - 564

Faeries Can Wear Jeans?
by daniecelpines
Description: A lot of Neopians would love to be a faerie. Koph would love to be anything BUT a faerie.

Week - 576

The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: Part One
by daniecelpines
Description: One of the reasons most Neopians preferred the new portal system over sailing for traveling, Roxias decided, was that if they just transported themselves to another land they wouldn't have to worry about turning into petsicles while traveling during the winter.

Week - 577

The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: Part Two
by daniecelpines
Description: "I'll take the east wing. You check the west one," Roxias whispered. Scout nodded, and handed him something. He looked down and saw a garlic bulb necklace.

Week - 580

The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: The FFN - Part One
by daniecelpines
Description: "How long can it possibly take to agree on the price of a pizza?" wondered Roxias aloud. He looked over at Pizzaroo and shook his head. "They've been at this for ten minutes already!"

Week - 581

The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: The FFN - Part Two
by daniecelpines
Description: Curious, Xin opened the envelope and read the letter, which said in crude handwriting:

"We've got your Elbuort friend. If you want him to live, you will do exactly what we say."

Week - 582

The Travels of a Would-Be Knight: The Best Offense
by daniecelpines
Description: "Spring, slow down!" 

Spring cackled happily as she flew through Happy Valley on her broomstick...

Week - 586

The Elbuort Chronicles: Job Shadowing
by daniecelpines
Description: "We're supposed to job shadow someone for Career Week," announced Avatar Elbuort one evening at dinner.

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Divisive War
How did you pick?

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Sir Reginel and the Case of the Secret Admirer
While the lettering on the door was backwards from where I was sitting, to people standing it front of it the words were clear: "Sir Reginel; Private Investigator".

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Her Apprentice
The faerie silenced her apprentice with a raised hand. "Talia, you needn't apologize. I understand."

by lux_aeterna1234

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