Reporting live from Neopia Circulation: 191,828,211 Issue: 622 | 22nd day of Storing, Y15
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We found the following 6 result(s) for the keyword lizzy_beth_750551

Week - 617

The Island of Mist: Part One
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "ALL HANDS ON DECK!" Logan roared. The Grarrl captain barreled through the middle of the ship, calling orders as he went and preparing what he could himself. The entire crew was preparing for the hurricane heading towards them.

Week - 618

The Island of Mist: Part Two
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "That doesn't look much like any temple I've ever seen," Del said, tilting his head to the side at extreme angles. "And I've seen a surprising amount of temples for my age. Are you sure this is the right place?"

Week - 619

The Island of Mist: Part Three
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "I found an entrance!" Tarin called down. He had - to no one's surprise - reached the top first. A lifetime of adjusting sails came in handy every now and again.

Week - 620

The Island of Mist: Part Four
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: In the beginning days, their afternoon training was much the same as their morning training was. But as they became more experienced, they began sparring each other and - much later on in their training - the old wizard himself.

Week - 621

The Island of Mist: Part Five
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "This is it," Logan said to Sareece once the cave came into view. "Are you ready?"

Week - 622

The Island of Mist: Part Six
by lizzy_beth_750551
Description: "Stones!" Logan shouted the command. "Now!" Each of them grabbed for their Stones. Focusing on the power inside of them was difficult in such a situation...

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