Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 191,828,211 Issue: 622 | 22nd day of Storing, Y15
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A Question of Loyalty - Part 7

B-but... she's an owner!

by crainwater
You Can't Tell if Transparent Pets are Sleeping or Not

Because they don't have eyes.

by andy94174
Instant Snowman!


by eilitha
Reading With Glumpkin

Never judge a book by its bacon.

Idea by pudao

by ragecandybar

Aisha Soup: Turmy Time Part 1

Turmy is awake!!

by the_shii
Meanwhile, in the Perilous Catacombs

Behind this door you hear wild banjo music!

by meowser_kat2
Why to Not Trick the Golden Pteri

You sure this will work?

by mmm1005
Random Oddness

No matter how smart they get, it's always the same phrases.

by mistyqee
The Misadventures of a Grumpy Plumpy (Vol VII)


by gypsychic420
The Adventures of Sasha and Wil #2

Sasha, look! I drew you in class today!

by midnight_star411
The Life of a Pea

Kari should invest in some glasses.

by oceanologist
Captain Pow: Quibsess's Dream

Do you think I could be a Defender?

by my_lil_ones
Are You Implying Something?

Probably not the best book to give as a gift for your neopet...

by supremity
Confessions of a Teenage Hoarder

(Unfortunately) based on a true story.

by emmilou123
Too Meta

Back with NOTHING again?

by inrainbows
Color Fail #1


by susy_ti
Okay Then...


by kyuwiwi
The Derpnuggets

The typical human reaction...

by neojedi11
Search the Neopian Times


Winter Warmth

As winter draws in and the Month of Celebrating approaches, the sight of Neopians shuffling along busy streets with frozen hands and paws clutching heavy bags of gifts will become increasingly common. The weather forecast will be seemingly stuck on 'blizzards and strong winds', and the temperature will creep ever lower. Even if you and your pets are bundled up beyond recognition, no amount of clothing will protect you entirely from the biting chill of winter...

Other Stories


My New Life
I've never known what it was like to live in a neohome.

by jobiehanna


Defending the Castle
This is based off of the book item Defending the Castle.

by countess_of_ondore


Essential Winter Warmers
The foods and beverages absolutely necessary for comfort and warmth in the cold winter months.

by sunwreaths


Still More Of The Things We're Looking Forward To!
All about the things we're looking forward to, things we're hoping TNT implements in the future!

by indulgences


Faerie Wings: The Fate of Kira - Part Ten
"Mom, I got your groceries!" Kira shouted as she entered her house. The eerie silence made the young Air faerie shiver as she walked toward the kitchen's entryway. Something's not right, Kira thought...

by downrightdude


Orlitz and the Geraptiku Scandal: Part One
"What a day," she thought contently as a pair of giggling youngsters hurried past her. Orlitz had finally achieved her dream job—being a field reporter for the Neopian Times, and was flustered by the fact that she could now tackle her very first reporting assignment for the major newspaper...

by josephinefarine

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